
Letter (WCP4738.5094)



27 Juin 1870

Mon cher Monsieur

D'après votre lettre du 23 [1 word illeg.] j'ai écrit immédiatement à Reinwald pour accepter ses propositions, quelque modestes quelles soient dans ma manière de voir.

Mon fils a commencé déjà son travail par un des chapitres les plus faciles. Quand il arrivera aux articles qui contiennent beaucoup de noms d'oiseaux ou d'insectes, en anglais, il aura plus de peine. Les noms vulgaires sont vagues et variables quelquefois d'une province à l'autre dans un même pays. Leur seule mesure commune est celle des noms scientifiques, à peu près comme le mètre et ses divisions ont l'avantage de servir de mesure à tous les pieds, [2 words illeg.], etc, qui existent. Mon fils vous consultera si cela est nécessaire et je lui remets vos errata.

Il y a des articles en réponse au Times et à l'ouvragedu duc d'Argyle qui sont absolument inconnus à l'étranger. Je ne sais s'il faudra indiquer en note leur contenu, ou abréger vos réponses ou la donner purement et simplement.

[2] Le Dr Claparède, Darwinien décidé, vient de mettre dans la Bibliothèque universelle (Archives des Sciences) du 15 juin un article sur votre ouvrage, dans le quel [sic] il vous critique en ce qui concerne l'homme et sur d'autres points. Je ne pense pas que cela diminue l'interet [sic] de votre livre, au contraire on lira d'avantage la traduction quand elle paraitra. Je ne sais si vous jugerez à propos de répondre, mais sachez bien d'avance que Mr C. est un rude jouteur, très savant naturaliste et très serré dialecticien. Je le regarde comme un des hommes les plus forts qui s'occupent des sciences naturelles aujourd'hui et si une très mauvaise santé ne contrariait souvent ses travaux on le verrait prendre plus vite une très haute position en Europe.

Mr Chaix, mon voisin et ami, a été très occupé depuis 15 jours, mais il ne néglige pas votre demande. Il vous transmettra ce quil [sic] peut avoir de nouveau sur le sujet.

Agréez, mon cher Monsieur, l'assurance des tout mon dévouement | Alph[onse]. de Candolle [signature]




27 June 1870

My dear Sir

Based on your letter of the 23d1 [illeg.] I wrote immediately to Reinwald2 to accept his terms,3 however mediocre they look to me.

My son4 has already started his work on one of the easiest chapters. When he gets to the articles which contain many of the names of birds or insects, in English, it will be more difficult. The common names are vague and variable, sometimes from one province to another in the same country. Their only common measure is their scientific names, a bit like how the metre and its divisions are useful for measuring for all feet,[1 word illeg.], yards etc. which exist. My son will consult you if necessary and I will send him your errata.

There are articles in response to the Times5 and to the Duke of Argyle's6 work7 which are totally unfamiliar to the foreigner. I don't know if you should indicate their contents in a note, or shorten your responses or present them purely and simply.

[2] Dr Claparède,8 a commited Darwinian, has just put an article about your work9 in the June 15th edition of the Bibliotheque universelle (Archives des Sciences)10 in which he criticizes you as regards man and other points. I do not think it will reduce interest in your book. On the contrary, when the translation comes out, more will read it. I do not know if you consider it appropriate to reply, but be aware well in advance that Mr C. is a tough adversary, very learned naturalist and very shrewddialectician. I look upon him as one of the most able men in the natural sciences today, and were it not for his very poor health often impeding his work, you would see him more quickly occupy a very high position in Europe.

Mr Chaix,11 my neighbour and friend, has been very busy for the past 15 days, but he is not ignoring your request.12 He will send you whatever news on the subject he can.

Accept, my dear sir, the assurance of all my devotion | Alph[onse]. de Candolle [signature]

 This letter is missing.
 Reinwald, Charles-Ferdinand (1812-1891). German-born bookseller and editor of foreign scientific works.
For Reinwald to publish Lucien de Candolle's translation of Wallace, A. R. 1870. Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection. London, UK: Macmillan & Co. into French, which appeared as: Wallace, A. R. 1872. La Sélection Naturelle: Essais. (trans. L. de Candolle). Paris: C. Reinwald.
Candolle, Henri-François Lucien de (1838-1927). Swiss botanist. Son of Alphonse Louis Pierre Pyramus de Candolle.
ARW's response to the Times's criticisms of Darwin's theory (in a review of The Reign of Law: Times, 31 January 1867, pp. 5–6) is in chapter 8 of both Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection (pp. 296-301) and the French translation, La Sélection Naturelle (pp. 310-315).
Campbell, George John Douglas (1823-1900). British politician and scientist. Eighth Duke of Argyll in the peerage of Scotland. Leader in the scholarly opposition against Darwinism.
Campbell, G. J. D. 1867. The Reign of Law. London: Alexander Strahan. ARW's response to Argyll's criticisms of Darwin's theory is in chapter 8 of both Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection (pp. 264-291) and the French translation, La Sélection Naturelle (pp. 275-299).
 Claparède, Jean Louis René Antoine Édouard (1832-1871). Swiss anatomist and professor of comparative anatomy at the Geneva Academy 1862-1871.
Wallace, A. R. 1870. Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection. London, UK: Macmillan & Co.

 É. Claparède. 1870. Remarques à propos de l'ouvrage de M. Alfred Russel Wallace sur a Théorie de a Sélection Naturelle. Archives des sciences physiques et naturelles. 38: 160-189. ARW replied to Claparède’s criticisms in: A. R. Wallace. 1870. Man and Natural Selection. Nature. 3: 8-9.

The Bibliothèque universelle was an academic journal published monthly by a group of Genevan scholars. Jakubec, Doris. 2020. Bibliothèque universelle. Dictionnaire historique de la Suisse. <https://hls-dhs-dss.ch/fr/articles/024583/2004-09-30> [accessed 23 Sept. 2020].

 Possibly Chaix d'Est-Ange, Gustave Louis (1800-1876). French lawyer and politician.
 Not identified.

Please cite as “WCP4738,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 27 April 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP4738