Letter (WCP48.48)


Parkstone, Dorset.

April 13th, 1902

My dear Will,

I have been to Broadstone every day last week having a man at work on a big pond, and the gardener doing Ma’s fernery both wanting constant looking after. Ma & a lot of visitors (Mr. Ford, Miss Webb, Miss Armstrong etc) came over on Wednesday, when Ma found the Dr[awing]. Room window very small,— & so it was, for on looking at the plans next day I found that in all the early plans (on 1/8th scale) it [2] was 9.’ 6" wide, but on the large ½ inch plan & elevation it was actually reduced to 6’-6"-! without a word to me! These plans were taken direct to Broadstone by Mr. Donkin’s clerk, & I never thought of examining them closely, as I concluded they were only working enlargements of the others. Of course this had to be altered, & about 2½ feet pulled down, but this did not take long— but it was a great nuisance.

The buds are beginning to [3] open in the Orchard now & it will soon be very pretty.

We were glad to hear you had such a nice holiday, & were surprised to hear of Mac’s return to England. I suppose he is going back again. Miss Buckton is rather a nice girl about Violet’s1 age or a little older. She sketches nicely & cycles, & now Violet is at home I expect they will go out together.

I almost think we must up the Acetylene,— for it must be attended to & filled at least once or twice a week, & if I were not [4] well enough to do it, I am sure no one else would, & Ma would be frightened about it. So I expect we shall have to go on with the old familiar lamps & candles.

Excuse more this week, as I have had lots of other letters to write.

Your affectionate Pa | Alfred R. Wallace [signature]

Wallace, Violet Isabel (1869-1945). Daughter of ARW; teacher.

Please cite as “WCP48,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 10 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP48