
Letter (WCP4886.5286)


9, St Mark's Crescent N.W.

Septr. 4th. [1869]1

Dear Sir Charles

I only got your letter yesterday fr on my return from Devonshire.

I am quite satisfied with whatever you think my services worth to you, and accept the addition as a proof that you think them of some value although my knowledge of geological details is so small.

Before leaving town I had written abstracts of pps 164 -166 — on Glaciation of N. America [2], a large passage on Glacial origin of lakes, — and a shorter one on Astronomical Causes affecting Geological Climate, and one on the Arctic Miocene Flora.2

I have to write a report of the Brit[ish]. Ass[ociation]. Meeting for the Quarterly Journal of Science, after which I shall go on with your work.

I have been exploring Dartmoor & have visited the Bovey Tracey lignite beds, but could find no good plants. I have been a few days at Torquay with [3] Mr Macmillan3 who is staying there, and have had the great treat of visiting Kent's Cavern with Pengelly.4 What a wonderful history it reveals, & how important it must it be that every cavern in the country should be thoroughly explored. The find this year, of a worked flint below the oldest stalagmite floor, is a grand addition to the evidence for the extreme antiquity of man.

I am glad you are enjoying your tour so much. I should [4] much have liked a good geologist with me on Dartmoor. The Tors are rather puzzling. I saw much of what I thought signs of glacial action, in the distribution of boulders over flat slopes, and the quantity of drift in many places.

Believe me | Yours very faithfully | Alfred R. Wallace [signature]

Sir Charles Lyell Bart.

"1869" is written in an unknown, apparently contemporary hand, in the top left corner of page [[1]].
Possibly a reference to a draft of Wallace, A. R. 1870. The measurement of geological time. Nature 1: 399-401, and 2: 452-455. See WCP4880.5281, ARW to Charles Lyell 22 Mar. 1869.
Macmillan, Alexander (1818-1896). British publisher and co-founder with his brother Daniel of Macmillan Publishers Ltd.
Pengelly, William (1812-1894). British geologist and archaeologist.

Please cite as “WCP4886,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 12 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP4886