
Letter (WCP4923.5336)


Old Orchard,



Dec[ember]. 5. [19]13.

Dear Mr. Pickard-Cambridge,

I must apologise for not having answered your kind letter of sympathy before this, but I daresay you will have understood we had a great many to answer, and I wanted to send you a letter instead [2] of a formal card — It is a great consolation to us now our Father has <gone> to get so many letters full of affection for him — I see you knew him a great many years; would it be troubling you too much if we asked for any letters you hav may have had from [3] him, or any personal reminisciences1 [sic]. The latter would be most useful — We want to get material together for a new biography and letters, dealing with the more personal and human side rather than scientific — If you could give us some personal reminisiences [sic] they would be most valuable — My brother and I are to help in this as far as we are able.

[4] You ask after my brother, He is at home, unfortunately on account of his health — He is much stronger than he was, but will not be able to follow his profession which is that of electrical engeneer [sic?], His tastes lie in antiquities and collections etc —

My Mother I am sorry to say is quite an invalid & can no longer move without help — She keeps cheerful in spite of it — We have [5]2 no plans for the future yet, and shall stay on here for the present.

I enclose a paper to show you what friends are proposing to do — It is a very nice idea but a great deal of <money?> seems to wanted — as usual!! I like the [6] idea of a statue if it could be like the one of Darwin in the N[atural]. H[istory]. Museum — That one always looks so natural, and my Father would look nice —

My brother and I have [7] always been meaning to go and see you but somehow the opportunity never came, and as we do not cycle and he is not up to very long walks it was a little diffment [difficult?] to arrange —

I am sorry to hear such a poor account of your health, but trust you [8] find some occupation and interest to pass the time —

With our united kind regards | yours very sincerely | Violet Wallace [signature]

This word is hyphenated between two lines. The writer has written 'remin' on the first line, then scored out the 'n' and written 'nisciences' on the second line.
The following has been written in the top margin of page [[5]], by Octavius Pickard-Cambridge: Sent Miss W[allace]. a letter <of?> A[lfred] R[ussel] W[allace] <one?> of Nov[embe]r 16. 1905 & copy of "note" referred to. <OPC> Dec[embe]r 10/[19]13. & a "Reminisces"[?].

Please cite as “WCP4923,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 16 January 2025, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP4923