
Letter (WCP500.500)


4 South Grove

Tunbridge Wells

Jan[uary] 18/[19]13

Dr Prof[essor] A. R. Wallace

Broadstone, Wimborne


After the many congratulatory letters you must have received lately, I trust you will not be offended to receive one from an obscure person like myself. I am an ardent reader of scientific books, especially those dealing with evolution & the higher faculties of man. I write simply to tell you that your book "The World of Life"2 is my most treasured book, and it has doe, & is doing, much for me [2] in forming what I believe to be a true view of life. I am engaged in teaching young men from week to week & I find your book full of helpful thoughts.

Later on I hope to become acquainted with more of your works. "Man's Place in the Universe,"3 I have partly read and enjoyed. May I tender you my heartiest congratulation and say that I hope you may spared to write the work you have now in hand[.]

Believe me, with best wishes to remain | Yours gratefully | Stanley E. Butter [signature]

Answ[ere]d written by hand in left margin.
Wallace, Alfred Russel. (1911). The World of Life, Chapman and Hall Ltd., London. 456 pp.
Wallace, Alfred Russel (1903 [1904]). Man's Place in the Universe, Chapman & Hall Ltd., London. 330 pp.

Please cite as “WCP500,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 2 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP500