
Letter (cc) (WCP5081.5559)


2nd Ap[ri]l [1]901

<D[octo]r. A.> [MS damaged] R. Wallace.

Dear Sir,

We have today received back through the Dead Letter Office our last letter written to Mr. Williams,2 who appears to be now "introuvable"3 so we are compelled to give up all hope of recovering your corrected proofs. We are therefore posting you herewith the only other set of proofs in existence, which we have been fortunate to recover.

Yours very truly

The letter bears no heading or signature but originates from ARW’s London publisher Swan Sonnenschein & Co., founded in 1878 by William Swan Sonnenschein (1855-1931).
Not identified. ‘Mr. Williams’ was involved in the selection of illustrations for Wallace A. R. (1901). The Wonderful Century Reader London, Swan Sonnenschein & Co., published in November 1901. This was an abridged version of the 4th Edition (February 1901) of The Wonderful Century; Its Successes and Its Failures, first published in 1898. He did not return ARW’s corrected proofs as requested (see WCP5079).
Impossible to find (Fr.).

Please cite as “WCP5081,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 11 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP5081