
Letter (cc) (WCP5089.5568)


22nd July [1]901

Wonderful Century Reader2

Dear Sir,

The Printers [1 word illeg.] to us the enclosed. We [1 word illeg.] though they [2 words illeg.] page on correctly from p[age]. 21 and 30 which they suggest on pp. [pages] 44 & 45.

As to the three blocks3 for which no space is left are they to be omitted?

Will you kindly return the proofs now sent with your instructions direct to the Printers to save time?

Yours faithfully | [initials illeg.]

D[octo]r. A. R. Wallace.

The page is stamped "197" and the letter bears no heading, but originates from ARW’s London publisher Swan Sonnenschein & Co., founded in 1878 by William Swan Sonnenschein (1855-1931).
Wallace A. R. (1901). The Wonderful Century Reader London, Swan Sonnenschein & Co. This was an abridged version of the 4th edition (February 1901) of The Wonderful Century; Its Successes and Its Failures, first published in 1898.
The engraved boxwood block or woodcut dominated early Victorian book illustration. Electrotyping later replaced woodcuts for the production of fine artwork in books. In the second half of the century, most woodblock engravings were actually printed from electrotypes. Reference to electrotypes in production of the Reader first occurs in WCP5066.

Please cite as “WCP5089,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 12 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP5089