
Letter (WCP514.514)



Dr. Alfred Russel Wallace

Dear Sir

Accept from us, on behalf and by authority of the members, of the Dundee Society of Spiritualists, warmest congratulations on the completion of your 90th year of earth life.

Yours has indeed been a most useful life, and we reverence you for the nible work you have done for the advancement of humanity. In connection with out own beloved movement, we admire your straightforward and outspoken [2] attitude, and fearless presentation of our truth.

We do earnestly hope, the <eventime> of your earthly existence, will be serene and peaceful; and that ‘ere the summons to come up higher, reaches you, our movement shall be still further indebted to you.

Ever Sincerely Yours

James M. Stevenson [signature], President

Dan. Urquhart [signature], Vice President

A. <Blackind?> [signature], <Vice?> President

James Watson [signature], Minute Secr[etary]

James Murray [signature], Cox Sec[retary]

R. C. Buchan [signature], Fin. Sec[retary]

Written in the top right of the page in an unidentified hand is "Answered".

Please cite as “WCP514,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 2 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP514