
Letter (WCP515.515)


Erös Egon

Budapest Vi. Dessewfft U.10

the 11th January [1]913

Dear Sir,

Allow to a very young admirer of yours to have the audacity in asking your autograph. I would be too happy possessing your writing in my collection where I have nearly all the writings of the great of our days.

I hope you will not reject my humble prayer in giving me your writing, it will be the greatest honour for me always, to possess it.

I remain yours truly | Egon Erös [signature]

Written in the top left of the page in an unidentified hand is "Answ[ere]d".

Envelope (WCP515.1510)

Envelope addressed to "Sir Russel Alfred Wallace [sic] Esq., Bournemouth, Broadstone, England", with stamp, postmarked "BUDAPEST | 13 JAN 10 | C 72 C". Pencil note in the hand of W. G. Wallace on front of envelope "Ansd | E. Egon". Address printed on back of envelope "BUDAPEST VI. DESSEWFFY U.10; postmark on back. [Envelope (WCP515.1510)]

Please cite as “WCP515,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 3 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP515