
Letter (cc) (WCP5165.5675)


Sept[ember] 27 [190]6

D[octo]r. Alfred Russel Wallace.


18. 9. 32


F. R. Stallybrass [signature]

15. 7
7. 19. 0
7. 1. 6
2 13. 2
18: 9. 3
Although there is no heading, the letter originates at ARW’s London publisher Swan Sonnenschein & Co., founded in 1878 by William Swan Sonnenschein (1855-1931) a son of Adolphus Sonnenschein, a teacher and writer originally from Moravia, and his first wife Sarah Robinson Stallybrass. In the light of the hostility to Germans during the First World War William Swan Sonnenschein changed his surname to Stallybrass for the remainder of his life, as did some of his family. The author is presumably a relative of the founder.
The document appears to be a payment to account of £19 9s 3d and a large tick in blue pencil has been made through the text.

Please cite as “WCP5165,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 14 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP5165