
Letter (WCP5278.5821)


Old Orchard,



Feb[ruary] 5th 1913.

Dear Sir,

Many thanks for your kind and interesting letter.1 I wish to inform you that you are mistaken in thinking that no other travellers have explored that part of S[outh]. America since my journey. I have published in 1908 the Journals and Letters of my friend, Dr. Richard Spruce, an eminent botanist whom, you [2] will remember, I mention several times in my book on the Amazon. This book is sure to be in the public libraries in New York. I strongly recommend you to read this work as it is crowded with interesting information about the Rio Negro, Cassiquiare, and Orinoco. It is full of illustrations, both of natives and of scenery from Dr Spruce’s own drawings, all of which I feel sure will interest you greatly.

I find that a Frenchman published a small volume in 1889 describing his journey to the sources of the Orinoco which [3] Dr Spruce failed to reach. An Italian, whose name I forget, also made several journeys in that part of S[outh]. America.

Yours very truly | Alfred R. Wallace [signature]

This is almost certainly Caspar Whitney to Alfred Russel Wallace, 18 January 1913. Wallace Collection, WP1/8/128. Natural History Museum (London).

Please cite as “WCP5278,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 5 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP5278