
Letter (WCP5661.6512)


Old Orchard,



Nov[embe]r. 15th 1908

The Secretary of the Pharmaceutical Society

Dear Sir

As your Society possess the series of letters from Dr. R. Spruce2 to Daniel Hanbury3, I make no doubt you will be glad to have those written by Mr. D. Hanbury to Spruce[.] Mr. M. B. Slater of Malton, Yorks[hire], who is Dr. Spruce's sole executor, has empowered me to send you those letters, which serve to illustrate and complete those of Spruce, and which I therefore send you herewith.

Yours very truly | Alfred R. Wallace [signature]

Written at the top of the page in an unidentified hand is "Letters. Hanbury to Spruce".
Spruce, Richard (1817-1893). English botanist.
Hanbury, Daniel (1825-1875). British botanist and pharmacologist.

Please cite as “WCP5661,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 11 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP5661