
Letter (WCP567.567)


2 Harbour View


South Devon

Janu[uar]y 12th 1913

Dear Sir

My wife wishes me to write to congratulate toy on attaining you 89th Birthday which we saw in the Daily Mail. I don't expect you will remember us but you and your wife stayed with us in a small House 10 Courtenay S[tree]t. Salcombe [2] nearly 20 years ago and it seemed which we saw it in the paper it quite came back fresh to our memory your visit to Salcombe and the kind way in which both you & your wife spoke of our lodgings. You will be glad to know we are living in a larger house now further up the hill with a good view of the Harbour and have been letting lodgings ever since and pleased to say we have done very well hoping with will pardon us for taking the liberty to write to you only my wife felt she would like you to know we saw it in the paper.

Yours respectfully | James Putt

Envelope (WCP567.1518)

Envelope addressed to "Dr Russel Wallace, Broadstone, Dorset", with stamp, postmarked "SALCOMBE DEVON| 11:45AM | JA 12 | 13. Note is written on front of envelope in ARW's hand: "Salcombe Lodgings! | 89th birthday! | Ansd"; postmark on back. [Envelope (WCP567.1518)]

Please cite as “WCP567,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 3 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP567