
Letter (WCP574.574)


The Hague (Holland)

8th Jan 1913.

Most venerated Dr. Wallace,

I cannot refrain from paying you my deep felt homage on this memorable day of your anniversary.

The great [boon] was mine, to read your Malay Archipelago in the best manner it could ever be read: in the midst of Malay scenery and Malay wilderness. While [making] an exploration, chiefly ethnological, in the South-eastern islands of the Archipelago during 1911, I read and admired your splendid old book, and drank in the noble spirits, between the wild mountains of Flores and [2] Portuguese Timor, or while floating from one to another smaller island more in the East.

Especially as Dutchman myself, I should like to to day on this day that very few books were ever written on the Dutch East Indies with so noble a spirit, so broad in humanity, as your Malay Archipelago.

It had been my purpose to come to England this day and meet you personally, were it only for half an hour. But my state of health, still impaired by tropical exertions— exertions which you know so well!—forbids my coming this winter. I hope most fervidly to be able to do so in July or August next. [3] But on this great day of your beautiful and beneficent long life, I wished that at least one Dutchman came to your home and told you his personal and deeply felt national admiration.

I remain, Sir, for ever | Yours most respectfully | G. P. Rouffaer [signature]

"Ansd" is written in pencil in ARW or W.G. Wallace's hand at the top lefthand corner of page 1.

Envelope (WCP574.1480)

Envelope addressed to "Dr. Alfred Russel Wallace, Wimborne, Dorset, England", with stamp, postmarked "'SGRAVENHAGE | 8.1.13. 3-4N". Pencil note on front of envelope in ARW's or W. G. Wallace's hand: "Ansd". Back of envelope inscribed in Rouffaer's hand: "G. D. Rouffaer. | The Hague (Holland).; postmark on back. [Envelope (WCP574.1480)]

Please cite as “WCP574,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 1 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP574