
Published letter (WCP5747.6613)

[1] [p. 206]


Parkstone, Dorset. October 30, 1899.

My dear Barrett, — … Apropos of Nature, they never gave a word of notice to my book — probably they would say out of kindness to myself as one of their oldest contributors, since they would have had to scarify me, especially as regards the huge Vaccination chapter, which is nevertheless about the most demonstrative bit of work I have done. I begged Myers — as a personal favour — to read it. He told me he firmly believed in vaccination, but would do so, and afterwards wrote me that he could see no answer to it, and if there was none he was converted. There certainly has been not a tittle of answer except abuse.

I am glad you brought Lockyer up sharp in his attempt to refuse you the right to reply. I am glad you now have some personal observations to adduce. I hope persons or corporations who are going to employ a dowser will now advise you so that you may be present… — Yours very faithfully, ALFRED B. WALLACE.

Barrett, William Fletcher (1844-1925). British physicist and parapsychologist.

Please cite as “WCP5747,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 1 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP5747