
Letter (WCP6030.6979)


The British Museum,

London, W.C.1

Department Of Ethnography


Dear Sir,

Thank you for the pattern ornaments, which seems to be part of the necklace given by you to the Museum in 1946. We shall be glad to place them together again, and are much obliged to you and for your kindness.

Yours faithfully | H. J. Braunholtz (Keeper) [signature]1


Written at the bottom of page in by William Greenell Wallace is "Re. R. Spruces S[outh]. Am[erican]. necklace [1 words illeg.] tusk & feather — further portions found in attic. | WGW".
Written on the back page in William Greenell Wallace's hand is "Relates to the S[outh]. American Indian Boar-tusk & feather ornament which long hung on the wall at Hurst[pierpoint]: Either given to W. Mitten by R. Spruce or A. R. Wallace".

Please cite as “WCP6030,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 7 February 2025, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP6030