
Letter (WCP6150.7120)





23 Sept[ember]. 1926.

Dear Sir,

I thank you for your letter of yesterday's date.

The passages which I have in mind to publish from Dr. Wallace's letters to my late father are those contained in the contents which I enclose (or some of them).

Pray excuse the rough state of the accompanying sheets. They have been taken from the first draft of the book that I have in hand, & if these will suffice for your purpose, it will save me the labour of re copying the [2]1 passages. But if you wish it, I will have the extracts recopied for you.

Will you kindly return me the sheets when you have perused them.

If you are prepared to give me permission to publish any or all of the extracts, as I may find desirable, it will serve my purpose & I shall be greatly obliged to you.

Yours faithfully | Edward Norman. [signature]

Written at the bottom of the page in pencil in an unidentified hand is "son of Benjamin N. & chief Inspector of Taxes".

Please cite as “WCP6150,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 2 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP6150