
Letter (WCP6305.7300)


Nutwood Cottage, Firth Hill


June 14th. 1881

Dear Sir

I have to thank you for sending me a copy1 of your article in Mr Cyples' remarkable book. Some of the extracts you give are certainly the most wonderfully suggestive & original passages I have ever read, & give me a great desire to see the book, — though I fear his terminology would be a great drawback to the pleasure [2] of reading it.

You will see by the heading of this letter that I have changed my residence for one which I trust will be permanent.

I may take this opportunity of reminding you that I have not received the usual remuneration for my article in last November's "Contemporary". Perhaps the cheque may have been lost. I have had many letters about it, & some Reformers are getting up an association to advocate its principles.[3] I am also preparing a volume in which the subject will be treated far more fully systematically.

Believe me | Yours faithfully | Alfred R. Wallace [signature]

A. Strahan Esq.2, 3

The article Wallace refers to is "Some New Philosophical Views", written by Strahan, A., in Cyples, W., An Enquiry into the Process of Human Experience: Attempting to set forth its Lower Laws; with some hints as to the higher Phenomena of Consciousness (1880)London and Edinburgh. The article was reprinted in Strahan's magazine The Contemporary Review in 1881.
Strahan, Alexander (1833-1918). Scottish publisher and editor of The Contemporary Review and Good Words.
A later annotation written in pencil at the bottom of the letter reads, "A Russell[sic] Wallace naturalist B 1882".

Please cite as “WCP6305,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 2 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP6305