
Letter (WCP6556.7562)


Old Orchard,



Septr 4th. 1913

Dear Mr. Marchant

If my son supplied the "bread" of your biography you certainly added the "butter", and though I have been used to this for some years, yours has a richer flavour than almost any other.

I cannot of course object to the proposal to catch the market with a biography in book form as soon as I have ceased to strut upon this sublunary stage, and [2] and I have no doubt you will be able to transform it so judicially as to be hardly recognisable, in its new form.

I hope the sale of "Environment & Morality", has been going on so well that Messrs Cassell have been determinaled to be generous, and make me a handsome present before the end of the year!

That would be very welcome but could perhaps hardly be termed a "joy" which seems rather out of place [3] as applied to a windfall of cash, though it is often a very joyful event.

Yours very truly | Alfred R. Wallace [signature]

P.S. Though Keats poetically remarked that "a thing of beauty is a joy for ever"— yet a purse well filled may also be a joy when it comes unexpectedly to supply a long felt want.

A.R.W. [4]

Please cite as “WCP6556,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 11 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP6556