
Letter (WCP6704.7755)


53 Castle Road

Kentish Town

London NW

Febr 12. 1901

Dear Sir

In reply to yours of the 10th Inst[?]. The fungus sent is popularly called the Bird's Nest Fungus, and is known to science as Cyathus vernicosus one of the Nidulariaceae

Tulasne has figured, in his Monograph of Nedularia published in Ann. des Sciences, Naturelles1, his species, and has shown the thread which attaches the sporangia to the inside of the cup.

In my Handbook of British Fungi pp 409. I give as one feature in the diagnosis of Cyathus — "Sporangia attached to the walls by an elastic cord"

[2] I think that this will meet your requirements, and answer your queries

Yours most truly | MC Cookee2 [signature]

Annales des Sciences Naturelles was a botanical journal published in Paris from 1824-1937.
Cooke, Mordecai Cubitt (1825-1914) — An English botanist and mycologist.

Please cite as “WCP6704,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 3 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP6704