
Letter (WCP6943.8051)


Broadstone, Wimborne.

March 4th. 1908

Dear Mr. Slater

Thanks for your last information about Hepaticae. I shall only be able to use the Summary — but the rest will no doubt be useful to yourself.

Macmillans have had all Spruces sketches of Indian's portraits, houses, trees &c. reduced to go in the book, in the text, & they will look very well and be interesting. Looking over his "List of Drawings" I see there are some I have never [2] had from you. Those are —

301. Andes of Peru — Mountains of Tarapoto
31. " " Villages of Yurimaguas
32. " " Town of Lamas.
33. " " Town of Tarapoto
34. " " Pongo del Shillicaio
35. " " Tavolosa

These all belong to the Chap. on Tarapoto, and would be most interesting as I can get no illustrations whatever for that important part of his Travels. There is a very stiff ink drawing of (34) — The [3] Pongo of Shillicaio — in the pages of the "Journal", but not fit to copy.

Have you never come across these[?] I rather think I came across a reference to them in a letter to Mr. Hanbury asking him to return them — so perhaps they were returned in some Portfolio or book, and never put with the others.

Will you please have another search among Portfolio — Mss. books, Maps, &c as [4] it would be a great pity not to have them if they exist.

Yours very truly | Alfred R. Wallace [signature]

The list, on blue ruled foolscap is headed "Kept in black japanned Portfolio."

62 — Drawings sent Mar 6 /08

No 30 to 35 & a sketch map & drawing of eruption pf Tangurugua 1775

30 to 34 in this list have pencilled check marks before them, potentially written in a different hand.
This and the following text is written in a different hand.

Please cite as “WCP6943,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 9 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP6943