
Transcription (WCP7197.8353)


Copy (part —) from C.H. Schi<ll>

The Elms,


Nov. 19. 19<05?>

" Your suggestion that Mr. Birch sh<ould> send me selections from a few fam<ilies> will suit me better than any other provided the selections contain both g<?> and ordinary things. The families I should like to receive are the —

Lamellicornes (all groups)




Many other groups I could name, such <as> the Erotylidae, some of the Tenebrionid<ae>3<?> But it seems to me he must either <send> me the whole lot or very restricted selections. It is want of time <that> prevents me asking for all, as <it would?> be so long before I could sort <them?> If that does not matter he <may send?> all he likes except l<?> <?> Brachyelytr<um?>[?] [2]4 <?> method of sending in sawdust <?> far the best as it avoids damage. <I> hope he will do well in Sta Catalina. <I> know it is a good locality for qu<ality.>[?]

Yours very truly | C.H. Schill.

The page is annotated "70" in the top left corner, in pencil in an unknown hand. Repair tissue annotated "418760" in bottom right corner in pencil in a different hand.
Schill's address is given as The Elms, Macclesfield, in a list of names in the London Gazette, December 28, 1906
All the families named in Schill's letter are beetles.
Repair tissue annotated "418760" in bottom right corner in pencil in an unknown hand.

Please cite as “WCP7197,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 5 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP7197