
Letter (WCP7234.8430)


Broadstone, Dorset1

Octr 29th. 1903

My dear Rose,

I had intended to write to you when I sent the book,2 but I suppose I was too busy. I was rather doubtful whether it was not too dry & stiff a book for any of you to care about it, but as it seems likely to create some excitement I thought you might like to have it - you being the representative of the family, & I understand being somewhat interested in Astronomy. I have had several[?] copies of the bishop's3 review4 sent me. It is the best so far, as most of the reviewers are either [2] very ignorant, or very prejudiced, or both, besides having no time to read such a book. The "Telegraph" review is the next best. I knew what I should get, & for that reason put in that verse opposite the Preface — about the "giant" & the "dragon" — which just fits the case - the giant being the Astronomers & the dragon public prejudice!

Still the more a book is abused the better it will sell - they say -. We shall see.

[3] Tell your father5 I do not think I have the Hemerocallis he names & shall be glad of a bit if he has it to spare.

We have been blown & soaked here as everywhere, but all shrubs & many flowers seem to enjoy it.

I am busy during fine intervals shifting & rearranging plants.

With love to all

Believe me | Yours very affectionately | Alfred R. Wallace [signature]

ARW lived in Old Orchard, Broadstone, Dorset, from November 1902 to November 1913. Beccaloni, G. W. 2008. Timeline of places and houses where Wallace lived. The Alfred Russel Wallace Website. <https://wallacefund.myspecies.info/wallace-timeline> [accessed 29 Jan. 2022].
Wallace, A. R. 1903. Man’s place in the universe; a study of the results of scientific research in relation to the unity or plurality of worlds. London, UK: Chapman & Hall.
Carpenter, William Boyd (1841-1918). Bishop of Ripon.
Carpenter, W. B. 1903. Transcript of review. Man's Place in the Universe. Dr. Russel Wallace's New Book. Reviewed by the Bishop of Ripon. Daily Mail. 22 October 1903. The Alfred Russel Wallace Page <https://people.wku.edu/charles.smith/wallace/bkrevMPITU-DailyMail.pdf> [accessed 26 January 2022].
Mitten, William (1819-1906). Father-in-law of ARW; chemist and authority on bryophytes.

Please cite as “WCP7234,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 9 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP7234