
Letter (WCP775.947)


25 Granville Place, W.

(this week)




24 Feb. 1907

Dear Sir,

Some eight or ten years ago, I came with my Mother to see you at Parkstone when the new ed. of "Miracles and Modern Spiritualism" fell into my hands.

I wanted to know from yourself whether it was issued with your sanction and still expressed your views.

You were very kind, gave me an introduction to Madam [Greek] [2] and thus initiated me into the practical side of psychic study.

I became a member of the Soc. for Psychic Research, joined L’Institut Psychologique of Paris, and since my dear parents passed on, have devoted myself to the one subject that has always been my deepest interest.

So might I have heard that my friend Archdeacon Colley is likely to lose £1000 in his law suit w. Mr Maskelyne if he cannot induce you to give evidence on his behalf, if possible to you to do so.

Mr Maskelyne’s clever illusion is not like any materialisations I have seen in one particular especially [3] as in the latter the vapory substances or mist-like emanations proceeding from the mediums grows denser and denser, whereas in the illusion the "mist" is but ordinary smoke which disperses throughout the building.

I venture to make this appeal knowing how kind you were to a stranger, and hopes that at any rate you will not answer in the direct negative until you have

heard from him.

But far more important than the gain or loss of the case is the wide publicity that will [4] be given to what is said for or against, and this would make us all wish that you might see yr. way to come forward especially as I understand you were present at Dr Monck’s séances.

Apologising for writing this | Believe me | Yours gratefully (Miss) Felicia R. Scatchherd1 [signature]

A. R. Wallace Esq. F.R.S. L.L.D.

Old Orchard



Felicia Rudolphina Scatcherd (1862-1927). Journalist and Spiritualist.

Please cite as “WCP775,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 2 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP775