Letter (WCP78.78)


Broadstone, Dorset

July 16th. 1903

My dear Will1

Yours to Ma2 just to hand. Such Gov[ernmen]t. Appointments are sure to be difficult to get but we will try, if you will get more information. Write first to your acquaintance who has got the Devonport appointment & ask him how he got it — how he heard of it, what are the first steps to take &c. — who is the most influential person, — is there an examination (I sh[oul]d think there must be) &c. &c. When you have this information, or some of it, I will try if we can do anything.

I have just sent off [2] the copy of my book & hope they will now get on quickly with it. Also the new article — answer to critics —. Am now making Index to new Ed[ition] of Wond-Cent.3 & then shall be pretty free.

Violet4 is coming home in 3 weeks or less, — with some chickens! for which I am to get ready a part of the shed, & a run.

Your affectionate Pa | Alfred R. Wallace [signature]

[3] Enclosed cutting from Ma.

P. S. Write to your lawyer friend at Portsmouth — I forget his name — He may, & almost surely must, know some of the Dock-yard officials, — & even if they are men who have no influence may be able to get information, as to how to proceed.


Wallace, William Greenell (1871-1951). Son of ARW.
Wallace (née Mitten), Annie (1846-1914). British. Wife of ARW; daughter of William Mitten.
Wallace, Alfred Russel, 1903, The Wonderful Century; The Age of New Ideas in Science and Invention, 5th Edition, Swan Sonnenschein & Co., Ltd., London.
Wallace, Violet Isabel (1869-1945). Daughter of ARW; teacher.

Please cite as “WCP78,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 9 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP78