
Letter (WCP794.966)


Waldron Edge, Duppas Hill, Croydon

Oct[obe]r. 29th 1879

My dear Percival Wright

Many thanks for your notes which are just what I want. I have been over them with Gunther at the B.M [British Museum] & he has given me the range[?] of all. & the names of the makes[?]. The only thing we cannot make out are the two Caecilias1 [sic]. They have none from you in the Museum, & in the Catalogue, C. rostrata2 in from S. America (& the Seychelles in the Paris Museum), while C. oxyura3 is only noted from Malabar.

Can you tell me who has your specimens & whether they have been determined by comparison with the Indian & S. American [2] types of these two species, as if4 so it will be one of the most interesting cases Geog[raphical] Dist[ribution] known.

Believe me | Yours very faithfully | Alfred R Wallace [signature]

P.S. Can you or any of your colleagues tell me if the following reptiles & amphibia are admitted to be natives of the Ireland as recorded in Bell.

1. Zootoca vivipara5

2. Bufo calamita6 — S.W. of Ireland

3. Lissotriton punctatus7 yes8

4. " palmipes9 —?


Caecilians are an order of amphibians that resemble worms or snakes
C. rostrata is a species of sedge
C. oxyura is a species of Clidemia, a flowering plant
The word is written as ‘of’ with an ‘i’ written over the ‘o’
Zootoca vivipara is the binomial name for the Common Lizard
Bufo calamita is the binomial name for the Natterjack Toad
Lissotriton puncatus is a species of newt
Text in the hand of Alfred Wallace saying "Yes"
Lissotriton palmipes is the binomial name for the Palmate Newt

Please cite as “WCP794,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 27 July 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP794