Letter (WCP8.8)


Parkstone, Dorset.

Jan[uar]y. 18th. 1891

My dear Will

The enclosed letter came after you left. We have had no water even juice, — & no sign of any. The carpenter has nearly finished the balcony. The water-man has nearly finished the bells, and half finished the gas, when, sad to say, a row occurred yesterday. He & Mr. Rigler quarreled — swung hard words at each other, & he came in the evening, took away his tools, & says he will not do another stroke of work for Mr. Rigler. [2] What will come of it I don’t know — we shall see.

Suppose you have been skating every night by moonlight. Violet1 has written, but has not explained anything of her doings. She goes to London tomorrow.

The teapot was sent back to London & has come again finely polished, as it ought to have been at first.

Pray do not forget to get your knife back from the cove you lent it to, or.5/-. The clerk [3] at the bank has given me two half crowns — 1819 — and 1821 fairly good but I expect you have better. Hope you have not smashed your chrono. Yet, — or lent it to the fellow who has got your knife. I dare say he would like to borrow it on the same terms.

Horribly cold last night — down to 18° and freezing hard all day today.

Poor Mr. Sharpe2 is worse. He has had another operation. They had to cut deep into his back & to cut away part of his ribs [4] to get at the abscess underneath, and it is kept open, with a tube in it. It was done last Wednesday & they say he is going on well, but of course cannot move & has two nurses constantly looking after him. We were there yesterday & Mrs. Sharpe told us about it.

Mind & tell us all your news both official and domestic — Collegian & Grumpian. —

Your affectionate Papa | Alfred R. Wallace [signature]

Wallace, Violet Isabel (1869-1945). Daughter of ARW; teacher.
Sharpe, J.W. (-). Old friend and neighbour of ARW in Godalming and an assistant master at Charterhouse School.

Please cite as “WCP8,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 27 July 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP8