
Letter (WCP801.973)


Parkstone, Dorset

Feb[ruar]y. 26th. 1891

My dear Dr. Wright

I am preparing a new edition of my "Island Life" and I should like to give a pretty correct list of the flowering plants (species’ and varieties) which are found in Ireland but not in G[rea]t. Britain. I dare say you have, or can lay your hands on such a list, which is not very extensive. I gave one as near as I could at p.340 in my first edition, but I believe there are many alterations to be made owing to new discoveries both in Ireland and England.

I wonder whether you are now [2] a deeper mystery behind. They mere physical problems of life may be rendered a little more intelligible but only to bring out into greater prominence the insoluble problem of consciousness & thought.

I shall be greatly obliged to you for any corrections or new facts as to the Seychelles, or in any other parts of the book island-world with which you may be familiar. I [3] think however I have got the latest information as to most of the islands treated except Formosa and New Zealand. I shall also be glad of the notes on [1 word illeg.] plants as soon as convenient.

We have now been a week almost buried in snow,— the crowning feature of this phenomenal winter. I shall not be in London before May— as I never go except when obliged.

Yours very faithfully | Alfred R. Wallace [signature]

Please cite as “WCP801,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 27 July 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP801