
Letter (WCP840.1012)


Parkstone, Dorset.

July 12th. 1898


Oldfield Thomas Esq.2

Dear Sir

My friend Mr. F. Pickard-Cambridge3 tells me that you are in want of skeletons of the smaller mammals at the B[ritish]. Museum.

My son, who is now in Denver, Colo[rado]., working as an electrical engineer is going shortly into the mountains to hunt and camp for a month or two, and he would perhaps be able to secure some of the smaller mammals, and preserve their skeletons & skins in some rough way. Can you inform me therefore — (1) What species or groups you would like from that district —

(2) Would it do to preserve the skeletons roughly, entire, cutting off as much of the [2] flesh as could be quickly done, applying some preservatives.? arsenic — & then drying in the sun & packing in paper bags. The skin being taken off entire & preserved for identification of species.

(3) If not, what is the simplest method for a person without experience.

(4) What would the Museum pay for such skeletons.

An early reply will much oblige, as my son will probably start in a month at latest.

His address is —

W. G. Wallace

60q — 20th. Street,

Denver, Colo[rado].

U. S. A.

If you think it best you can write to him direct, or I will forward to him any instructions you may send me.

Believe me | Yours very truly | Alfred R. Wallace [signature]

[3] P.S. My daughter is going to Germany in about a fortnight, to reside for the autumn and winter at Blankenheim on the outskirts of the Thuringerwald. She is very fond of natural history, and if there are any small mammals there you particularly want she might perhaps get them, and send them to you direct in the flesh, by parcel post. She is going to learn German principally and study Education systems, but by the winter she will probably be able to make herself understood, & so get some of the foresters to bring her any special kinds.

A.R.W [signature]

Written in blue pencil in a different handwriting.
Michael Rogers Oldfield Thomas (1858-1929), British zoologist.
Frederick Octavius Pickard-Cambridge (1860-1905), English arachnologist.

Please cite as “WCP840,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 2 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP840