Letter (WCP9.9)


Parkstone, Dorset

Jan[uar]y. 25th. 1891

My dear Will

The frost is now gone but still we have no water the water being stuck — but I have asked the Water Co. to send a man tomorrow so hope we shall have some & then see if any pipes are burst. The barge boarding is put up & I believe Charles is coming tomorrow to do the tiling, & finish up odds & ends.

A new plumber came on Thursday but he has not nearly finished in the Bathroom yet. The glass came [2] last week. & is now put into the swing door & I think looks handsome. Also the Bath room window. Porch door not made yet. Stairs not begun, gas & bells not finished, — so we shall be another month, I expect, before we get the men out of the house, and two months before they have quite finished outside.

It is a pity you did not enquire for Mrs. & Mr. Burton at the fète & introduce yourself as then you would be invited to other affairs. He is one of the berderers of Epping Forest & a big landlord I [3] believe.

I have written to Mr. Cole to take your name off the Essex F. Club1., — & you had better join the Institute of Elect[rical]. Engineers at once. The enclosed came to me days ago.

You did not enclose your Coin cab[inet]. key, — but it does not matter as I will keep anything old to be examined when you come.

Mr. Cockerell2went back last Friday week. He collected lots of shells. I hope your knee is [4] all right. If not get a little Tincture of Armica at a chemists & bathe it well night & morning with about ½ teaspoon in pure glass of water. It is most useful for all bruises, & if used at once will cure quickly.

Let us know what is going on fresh at the College, whether you have begun any higher mathematics etc. etc.

Your affectionate Papa | Alfred R. Wallace [signature]


11, Norland Place

Uxbridge Road

London. W.

The Essex Field Club. It was founded in January 1880 to promote the study of the Natural History, Geology and pre-historic Archaeology of the County of Essex.
Cockerell, Theodore Dru Alison (1866-1948). British-born American zoologist, taxonomist, and museum curator.
Wallace, Violet Isabel (1869-1945). Daughter of ARW; teacher.

Please cite as “WCP9,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 27 July 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP9