Letter (WCP98.98)


Broadstone, Wimborne,

Novr. 13rd.[sic] 1904

My dear Will1

If you know any Socialists in M -, or there is any Socialist Club or bookseller will you enquire if the Cosme Colony in Paraguay is still running, and if they have any recent Reports &c. send me two or three. There used to be an Agent of the Colony in M — I wrote to Luthers[?] of the Clarion, & he sent me the address, but no name & my letter has been returned to me — "Gone, no address." I [2] want to write for some plants for me & Marshall. They once said they had a botanist who collected.

I enclose ad. of a good edition of Borrow’s "Bible in Spain." When you pass there see if the Man has got it & if in good order buy it for me, & bring it on at ‘Xmas.

No special news. I am grinding away at the Life2 — Have got the Will of George Wallace my great-uncle. He was a gardener! Miss Roberts’ grandfather & [3] grandmother were witnesses to the Will and my father was executor.

We are now discussing an improvement of the house, to get more light to the stairs & Hall, & two more rooms in the roof. To get free access to the rooms in the roof it will be necessary to block up most of the top stair-opening where the glass is [a sketch of the design appears here]. Then V3. proposes to pull down the wall at top of stairs throwing open the little room clear to the bow window, which will give a better light than the present double skylights. V — thinks it will be necessary to [4] raise that window 3 ~ 4 feet & take away the ceiling of the little room, but that will involve pulling the roof about so much as to be very expensive. The other can be done first & see what light it gives.

When you come we will consult on it.

Your affectionate Pa | Alfred R. Wallace [signature]

Wallace, William Greenell (1871-1951). Son of ARW.
ARW is writing his autobiolgraphy, My Life; A Record of Events and Opinions" published in 1905.
Possibly Violet — Wallace, Violet Isabel (1869-1945). Daughter of ARW; teacher.

Please cite as “WCP98,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 10 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP98