Sends "2 pods ¼ gr each" to tide CD over.
Showing 1–12 of 12 items
Sends "2 pods ¼ gr each" to tide CD over.
Asks CD to sign some "Sunday tickets" [for the Zoological Garden?].
Calls CD’s attention to an article by Paul Janet.
Tells of a declaration and a subscription list to defend the rights of Bishop Colenso.
Lyell thinks an expedition should be sent to the caves in Borneo, supported by the sale of surplus specimens; thinks "our progenitors" may well be there.
Sir Henry Holland wants to see [Erasmus Darwin] Zoonomia.
Snow [F. J. Wedgwood] has gone, hoping to meet Fanny who is in a state of anxiety.
Henry Holland sends thanks for Zoonomia.
Sir Henry would not expect podophyllin to be good for CD.
CD will be proposed for the Copley Medal. Hugh Falconer wants information: list of all CD’s papers, dates of the voyage, things not judicious to mention, when his sickness came on, etc.
Henry Holland thought CD would be interested to know that Buxton’s brewery cannot go on with their own yeast, but are obliged to interchange with other breweries.
Gives Lyell’s report of conversation with Sabine about the grounds for the award of CD’s [Copley] Medal.
Discusses the affairs of the late Edward Evans for whom CD and EAD are trustees.
Has got CD’s [Copley] Medal, "it is rather ugly to look at, & too light to turn into candlesticks".
Sends a power of attorney to be executed and sent to the Old Bank; asks acknowledgment.