No summary available.
No summary available.
Arranges to meet with WBC to get his advice about buying a microscope.
No summary available.
No summary available.
Responds to LH’s comments on South America.
Discusses inclination of lava stream.
Sketches in second edition of Journal of researches more accurate than in first.
Tells RH that he has secured an introduction to Lady Elizabeth Finch through a friend of his father’s. Thanks RH for his efforts.
Replies to note from CL asking about views of glaciers.
No summary available.
Asks to meet RO to get his opinion on zoological points.
Wishes to obtain copy of JH's observations of sun spots at Cape of Good Hope.
Elizabeth Sabine's translation of [Alexander von Humboldt's] Cosmos is nearly complete. Hopes JH will accept invitation to review it in Edinburgh Review. Encloses account of great disturbance of December.
Presents to the R.A.S. a drawing of solar spots made during 1843.
No summary available.
Discusses whether John Couch Adams should receive the Copley Medal for his work in the attempted discovery of Neptune.
No summary available.
No summary available.
Reports organization of N. L. Lacaille's star catalog. Suggests method by which to compare this with Thomas Henderson's figures to determine Henderson's method of computation.
Is trying to straighten out the origin of the R.A.S., and giving appropriate credit.
No summary available.
Regarding the revision of the nomenclature of the constellations. Its effect on the printing of the star catalogues.