Faraday to Jean-Baptiste-André Dumas   2 June 1856

Royal Institution | 2 June 1856

My dear friend

I have received from the Embassy the fruits of all your care and trouble taken for me1. I feel that I am too much honored; and more by your personal remembrance & exertion than by any thing else; but I am very grateful to the Emperor & to all who have thought me worthy of their consideration in this matter. I hope to see you early in July i.e. before the middle of the month; but trust I shall not be so weary then as I am now, or else I must make my visit to Paris very short[.]

Most respectful remembrance to Madame Dumas in which as well as in those to yourself my wife joins me[.]

Ever | Your faithful friend | M. Faraday

Monsieur | Monsieur Dumas | Secretaire | &c &c &c &c

Please cite as “Faraday3152,” in Ɛpsilon: The Michael Faraday Collection accessed on 3 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/faraday/letters/Faraday3152