Faraday to William Robert Grove   6 April 1857

[Royal Institution embossed letterhead] Albemarle St W | 6 April 1857

My dear Grove

I have many thanks to offer you for the Forces1. I take it with me tomorrow as a holiday in the Country air - I hope my note2 has not (unwittingly on my part) laid you under contribution. it was written because of Moigno’s letter to me3[.] You must be sure of the value of the volume as a remembrance to me:- but still if when I return you have reason to let me know you have need of a copy in another direction do not hesitate to let me know.

Ever Truly Yours | M. Faraday

Grove (1856).


GROVE, William Robert (1856): Corrélation des forces physiques, Paris.

Please cite as “Faraday3268,” in Ɛpsilon: The Michael Faraday Collection accessed on 4 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/faraday/letters/Faraday3268