Peter Henry Berthon to Faraday   12 May 1857

Mr. Berthon presents his Compliments to Professor Faraday, and with reference to his Letter of the 9th Inst1: and it’s Enclosure respecting the New Apparatus for Lundy Island Light, begs to say that by a Communication received this morning from Messrs. Chance, it appears that the Lens will be ready for inspection by Professor Faraday at the time appointed, viz:- Wednesday (to-morrow).-

Mr Berthon begs to add, that the Board will be obliged by a particular examination being made of the Catadioptric Zones of the Apparatus in question.-

Trinity House | 12th May 1857.

Please cite as “Faraday3284,” in Ɛpsilon: The Michael Faraday Collection accessed on 27 July 2024,