Peter Henry Berthon to Faraday   17 July 1860

Trinity House, London. E.C. | 17th July, 1860.


Referring to the interview you had with a Committee of the Elder Brethren at this House on 12th instant1, on the subject of Defects which the Commissioners on Lights &c stated, in a Letter of which you then had a Copy, they had discovered in the Lighting Apparatus at the North Foreland and at the Whitby Light Houses2, I am directed to intimate the request of the Board that you will take the earliest available opportunity before the 2nd Proximo, of visiting those Light Houses and thoroughly examining the Apparatus with a view of ascertaining if practicable the nature of the defects to which the Commissioners allude.

I am, | Sir, | Your most humble Servant, | P.H. Berthon

Professor Faraday | &c &c &c

Endorsed by Faraday: Declined to go under the circumstances - without first writing to or hearing the Commissioners.

Parliamentary Papers,1861 [2793] XXV, volume 1, pp.80-1 and 79-80 respectively.

Please cite as “Faraday3805,” in Ɛpsilon: The Michael Faraday Collection accessed on 9 May 2024,