James Timmins Chance to Faraday   18 September 1860

Glass Works | Birmingham | 18 Sept. 1860

My dear Sir,

I quite understand all your wishes1, wh: shall be attended to.

I do not regret omitting the focus (upper reflectors) 40 aside & 20 up. I have tried well the 40 aside & 28 up, & I like it very much for availing ourselves of the light on the sea.

In order to compare the 3 octants (Nos: 1. 2. 4) of new foci, with the French foci in the remaining Octant (No. 3), I should have thought it better to adjust the French panels No.3 to the sea-horizon, and not to the true horizon as you recommend.

There is no doubt about the question of dip - and by leaving out the dip in the French octant, I fear that an exact idea of the French foci, as compared with the new ones, will not be formed.

This is the only point on wh: I should be inclined at all to differ from you. Be kind enough to reconsider thus. But no doubt you have good reasons for your arrangement[.]

I leave on Thursday2 for Whitby. If you write by tomorrow (Wednesday’s) post, please to address me, on the envelope, Hamstead Birmingham: if you write after tomorrow, please to address me at the lighthouses - Whitby; or the Royal Hotel:- if you like.

Most truly yours | J.T. Chance

That is 20 September 1860.

Please cite as “Faraday3853,” in Ɛpsilon: The Michael Faraday Collection accessed on 5 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/faraday/letters/Faraday3853