Sarah Faraday to Henry Bence Jones   21 November 18651

[Royal Institution embossed letterhead] | 21st Novr

Dear Dr Jones

Can you spare us a little time? We are low in systems & spirits & I have no doubt you will say take a little quinine, but I think we want a little cheering chat from our friend The Dr. Mr Faraday seems often to feel as he says slight attack of paralysis or as I wish he would call them numbness but if you come you can tell us. Jane is going to entice him out as far as St Johns Wood to see my sister2 this morning – (we must do something to keep a little cheerful stir) so you see there is no immediate hurray for your call but I think we will begin the quinine as a venture[.]

Believe me my dear Dr Jones | Yours very sincerely | S. Faraday

Tomorrow eveg we are to take tea out[.]

Dated on the basis of the reference to Faraday’s paralysis (see letter 4549) and that it cannot be 1866 because of the content of letter 4593.
Charlotte Buchanan.

Please cite as “Faraday4570,” in Ɛpsilon: The Michael Faraday Collection accessed on 8 May 2024,