
Letter (WCP1845.1735)




Kent. S.E.

Mar 7 [1867]1 2

My dear Wallace

The addresses which you have sent me are capital, especially that to the Rajah3; & I have despatched two sets of queries. I now enclose a copy to you & sh[oul]d be very glad of any answers; you must not suppose the P.S. about memory has lately been inserted; please return these queries as it is my standard copy. The subject is a curious one, I fancy I shall make a rather [2] interesting appendix to my Essay on Man.

I fully admit the probability of "protective adaptation" having come into play with female butterflies as well as with female birds. I have a good many facts which make me believe in sexual selection as applied to man, but whether I shall convince any one else is very doubtful.

Dear Wallace | yours very sincerely | Ch. Darwin [signature]

The year of 1867 is established by the Darwin Correspondence Project see DCP LETT 5992.
An annotation in a later hand adds "? 1860" to the top right-hand corner of the page.
Brooke, Charles Anthoni Johnson ("Charley") (1829-1917). The Second White Rajah of Sarawak and nephew of James Brooke.

Published letter (WCP1845.5928)

[1] [p. 140]



Down, Bromley, Kent, S.E. March 7, 1860.

My dear Wallace,— The addresses which you have sent me are capital, especially that to the Rajah; and I have dispatched two sets of queries. I now enclose a copy to you, and should be very glad of any answers; you must not suppose the P.S. about memory has lately been inserted; please return these queries, as it is my standard copy. The subject is a curious one; I fancy I shall make a rather interesting appendix to my Essay on Man.

I fully admit the probability of "protective adaptation" having come into play with female butterflies as well as with female birds. I have a good many facts which [2] make me believe in sexual selection as applied to man, but Whether I shall convince anyone else is very doubtful. — Dear Wallace, yours very sincerely, CH DARWIN.

Published letter (WCP1845.6894)

[1] [p. 230]


Mar. 7. (1867?)


The addresses which you have sent me are capital, especially that to the Rajah ; and I have despatched two sets of queries. I now enclose a copy to you and should be very glad of any answers; you must not suppose the P.S. about memory has lately been inserted; please return these queries as it is my standard copy. The subject is a curious one, I fancy I shall make a rather interesting appendix to my Essay on Man.

I fully admit the: probability of "protective adaptation" having come into play with female butterflies as well as [2] [p. 231] with female birds. I have a good many facts which make me believe in sexual selection as applied to man, but whether I shall convince any one else is very doubtful.

Dear Wallace, | Yours very sincerely, | CH. DARWIN.

Please cite as “WCP1845,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 22 October 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP1845