5 Westbourne Grove Terrace. W
April 7th. 1862
My dear Mr. Darwin1
I was much pleased to receive your note2 this morning. I have not yet begun work but hope to be soon busy.3 As I am being doctored a little I do not think I shall be able to accept your kind invitation at present but trust to be able to do so during the summer.
I beg you to accept a wild honeycomb4 from the island of Timor,5 not quite perfect but the best I could get. It is of a small size but of characteristic form but & I think [2] will be interesting to you. I was quite unable to get the honey out of it, so fear you will find it somewhat in a mess but no doubt you will know how to clean it.
I have told Stevens6 to send it to you.
Hoping your health is now quite restored & with best wishes
I remain | My dear Mr Darwin | Yours very sincerely | Alfred R. Wallace [signature]
C. Darwin Esq.
Status: Edited (but not proofed) transcription [Letter (WCP1847.4049)]
For more information about the transcriptions and metadata, see https://wallaceletters.myspecies.info/content/epsilon
To C. Darwin.1) 5 Westbourne Grove Terrace. W. April 7th. 1862
My dear Mr Darwin
I was much pleased to receive your note2 this morning. I have not yet begun work but hope to be soon busy. As I am being doctored a little I do not think I shall be able to accept your kind invitation at present but trust to be able to do so during the summer.
I beg you to accept a wild honeycomb from the island of Timor,3 not quite perfect but the best I could get. It is of a small size but of characteristic form & I think will be interesting to you. I was quite unable to get the honey out of it, so fear you will find it somewhat in a mess but no doubt you will know how to clean it.
I have told Stevens4 to send it to you.
Hoping your health is now quite restored & with best wishes
I remain | My dear Mr Darwin | Yours very sincerely | Alfred R. Wallace [signature]
Status: Edited (but not proofed) transcription [Transcription (WCP1847.1737)]
For more information about the transcriptions and metadata, see https://wallaceletters.myspecies.info/content/epsilon
To C. Darwin.) 5 Westbourne Grove Terrace. W. April 7th. 1862
My dear Mr Darwin
I was much pleased to receive your note this morning. I have not yet begun work but hope to be soon busy. As I am being doctored a little I do not think I shall be able to accept your kind invitation at present but trust to be able to do so during the summer.
I beg you to accept a wild honeycomb from the island of Timor, not quite perfect but the best I could get. It is of a small size but of characteristic form & I think will be interesting to you. I was quite unable to get the honey out of it, so fear you will find it somewhat in a mess but no doubt you will know how to clean it.
I have told Ste1vens2 to send it to you.
Hoping your health is now quite restored & with best wishes
I remain | My dear Mr Darwin | Yours very sincerely | Alfred R. Wallace [signature]
Status: Edited (but not proofed) transcription [Transcription (WCP1847.4534)]
For more information about the transcriptions and metadata, see https://wallaceletters.myspecies.info/content/epsilon
[1] [p. 143]
5 Westbourne Grove Terrace, W. April 7, 1862.
My dear Mr. Darwin,— I was much pleased to receive your note this morning. I have not yet begun work, but hope to be soon busy. As I am being doctored a little I do not think I shall be able to accept your kind invitation at present, but trust to be able to do so during the summer. I beg you to accept a wild honeycomb from the island of Timor, not quite perfect but the best I could get. It is of a small size, but of characteristic form, and I think will be interesting to you. I was quite unable to get the honey out of it, so fear you will find it somewhat in a mess; but no doubt you will know how to clean it. I have told Stevens to send it to you.
Hoping your health is now quite restored and with best wishes, I remain, my dear Mr. Darwin, yours very sincerely, ALFRED R. WALLACE.
Status: Draft transcription [Published letter (WCP1847.5930)]
For more information about the transcriptions and metadata, see https://wallaceletters.myspecies.info/content/epsilon
Please cite as “WCP1847,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 11 October 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP1847