5, Westbourne Grove Terrace, W.
August 8th. 1862
My dear Mr. Darwin
I sincerely trust that your little boy1 is by this time convalescent,— & that you are therefore enabled to follow your favourite investigations with a more tranquil mind.
I heard a remark the other day which may not perhaps be new to you, but seemed to me a "fact" if true, in your favour. Mr. Ward2 (I think it was,) a member of the MicroscoScopical [sic] Society mentioned as [2] a fact noticed by himself with much surprise, that "the muscular fibres of the whale were no larger than those of the bee"! an excellent indication of community of origin.
While looking at the ostriches the other day at the Gardens3 it occurred to me that they were a case of special difficulty, as, inhabiting an ancient continent, surrounded by numerous enemies how did their wings ever become abortive, & if they did so before the birds had attained their present gigantic size strength & speed, how could they in the transition have maintained their existence? I see Westwood [3] in the "Annals"4 brings forward the same case, arguing that the ostriches sh[oul]d. have acquired better wings within the historic period;— but as they are now the swiftest of animals they evidently do not want their wings, which in their present state may serve some other trifling purpose in their economy such as fans, or balancers which may have prevented their being reduced to such rudiments as in the Cassowaries’ — The difficulty to me seems to be, how if they once had flight could they have lost it, surrounded by swift & powerful carnivora against whom it must have been the only defence.
This probably is all clear [4] to you but I think it is a point you might touch upon as I think the objection will seem a strong one to most people.
In a day or two I go to Devonshire for a few weeks & hope to lay in a stock of health to enable me to stick to work at my collections during the winter — I begin to find that large collections involve a heavy amount of manual labour which is not very agreeable.
Present my compliments to Mrs.5 & Miss6 Darwin & believe me | Yours very faithfully | Alfred R. Wallace [signature]
C. Darwin Esq.
Status: Edited (but not proofed) transcription [Letter (WCP1850.4050)]
For more information about the transcriptions and metadata, see https://wallaceletters.myspecies.info/content/epsilon
To C. Darwin.) 5, Westbourne Grove Terrace, W. August 8th. 1862
My dear Mr Darwin
I sincerely trust that your little boy1 is by this time convalescent, — & that you are therefore enabled to follow your favourite investigations with a more tranquil mind.
I heard a remark the other day which may not perhaps be new to you, but seemed to me a "fact" if true, in your favour. Mr Ward2 (I think it was,) a member of the Microscopical Society mentioned as a fact noticed by himself with much surprise, that "the muscular fibres of the whale were no larger than those of the bee!" an excellent indication of community of origin.
While looking at the ostriches the other day at the Gardens it occurred to me that they were a case of special difficulty, as, inhabiting an ancient continent, surrounded by numerous enemies[,] how did their wings ever become abortive, & if they did so before the birds had attained their present gigantic size strength & speed, how could they in the transition have maintained their existence? I see Westwood3 in the "Annals" brings forward the same case, arguing that the ostriches sh’d have acquired better wings within the historical period;— but as they are now the swiftest of present state may serve some other trifling purpose in their economy such as fans, or balancers which may have prevented their being reduced to such rudiments as in the Cassowaries4. The difficulty to me seems to be, how if they once had flight could they have lost it, surrounded by swift & powerful carnivora against whom it must have been the onl5y defence.
This probably is all clear to you but I think it is a point you might touch upon as I think the objection will seem a strong one to most people.
In a day or two I go to Devonshire6 for a few weeks & hope to lay in a stock of health to enable me to stick to work at my collections during the winter. I begin to find that large collections involve a heavy amount of manual labor which is not very agreeable.
Present my compliments to Mrs & Miss Darwin7 & believe me | Yours very faithfully | Alfred R. Wallace. [signature]
Status: Edited (but not proofed) transcription [Transcription (WCP1850.1740)]
For more information about the transcriptions and metadata, see https://wallaceletters.myspecies.info/content/epsilon
To C. Darwin.) 5, Westbourne Grove Terrace, W. August 8th. 1862
My dear Mr Darwin
I sincerely trust that your little boy1 is by this time convalescent, — & that you are therefore enabled to follow your favourite investigations with a more tranquil mind.
I heard a remark the other day which may not perhaps be new to you, but seemed to me a "fact" if true, in your favour. Mr Ward2 (I think it was,) a member of the Microscopical Society mentioned as a fact noticed by himself with much surprise, that "the muscular fibres of the whale were no larger than those of the bee!" an excellent indication of community of origin.
While looking at the ostriches the other day at the Gardens it occurred to me that they were a case of special difficulty, as, inhabiting an ancient continent, surrounded by numerous enemies[,] how did their wings ever become abortive, & if they did so before the birds had attained their present gigantic size strength & speed, how could they in the transition have maintained their existence? I see Westwood3 in the "Annals" brings forward the same case, arguing that the ostriches sh’d have acquired better wings within the historical period;— but as they are now the swiftest of present state may serve some other trifling purpose in their economy such as fans, or balancers which may have prevented their being reduced to such rudiments as in the Cassowaries4. The difficulty to me seems to be, how if they once had flight could they have lost it, surrounded by swift & powerful carnivora against whom it must have been the onl5y defence.
This probably is all clear to you but I think it is a point you might touch upon as I think the objection will seem a strong one to most people.
In a day or two I go to Devonshire6 for a few weeks & hope to lay in a stock of health to enable me to stick to work at my collections during the winter. I begin to find that large collections involve a heavy amount of manual labor which is not very agreeable.
Present my compliments to Mrs & Miss Darwin7 & believe me | Yours very faithfully | Alfred R. Wallace.
Status: Edited (but not proofed) transcription [Transcription (WCP1850.4532)]
For more information about the transcriptions and metadata, see https://wallaceletters.myspecies.info/content/epsilon
[1] [p. 145]
5 Westbourne Grove Terrace, W. August 8, 1862.
My dear Mr. Darwin,— I sincerely trust that your little boy is by this time convalescent, and that you are therefore enabled to follow your favourite investigations with a more tranquil mind. I heard a remark the other day which may not perhaps be new to you, but seemed to me a fact, if true, in your favour. Mr. Ward (I think it was), a member of the Microscopical Society, mentioned as a fact noticed by himself with much surprise that "the muscular fibres of the whale were no larger than those of the bee!" — an excellent indication of community of origin.
While looking at the ostriches the other day at the Gardens, it occurred to me that they were a case of special difficulty, as, inhabiting an ancient continent, surrounded by numerous enemies, how did their wings ever become abortive, and if they did so before the birds had attained their present gigantic size, strength and speed, how could they in the transition have maintained their existence? I see Westwood in the Annals brings forward the same case, arguing that the ostriches should have acquired better wings within the historic period; but as they are now the swiftest of animals they evidently do not want their wings, which in their present state may serve some other trifling purpose in their economy such as "fans, or balancers, which may have prevented their being reduced to such rudiments as in the [2] cassowaries. The difficulty to me seems to be, how, if they once had flight, could they have lost it, surrounded by swift and powerful carnivora against whom it must have been the only defence?
This probably is all clear to you, but I think it is a point you might touch upon, as I think the objection will seem at strong one to most people. In a day or two I go to Devonshire for a few weeks and hope to lay in a stock of health to enable me to stick to work at my collections during the Winter. I begin to find that large collections involve a heavy amount of manual labour which is not very agreeable.
Present my compliments to Mrs. and Miss Darwin, and believe me yours very faithfully, ALFRED R WALLACE.
Status: Draft transcription [Published letter (WCP1850.5933)]
For more information about the transcriptions and metadata, see https://wallaceletters.myspecies.info/content/epsilon
Please cite as “WCP1850,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 11 October 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP1850