
Letter (WCP1856.1746)


Malvern Wells

Tuesday [29 [?] September 1863]1

My dear Mr. Wallace

Your kindness is never failing. I got worse & worse at home & was sick every day for two months; so came here, where I suddenly broke down & could do nothing; but I hope I am now very slowly recovering, but am very weak.—

[2] Sincere thanks about Melastomas: these flowers have baffled me & I have caused several friends much useless labour; though, Heaven knows, I have thrown away time enough on them myself.—

The gorze case is very valuable & I will [3] quote it, as I presume I may.—

I was very glad to see in the Reader, that you have been giving a grand paper, (as I infer from remarks in discussion) on Geographical distribution.2

I am very weak, so will say no more | Yours very sincerely | C. Darwin [signature]

An annotation adds "March 1864." at the upper right-hand corner of page 1. A second pencil annotation in a later hand adds '[29 Sept.1863]' at the bottom right-hand corner of page 1. The Darwin Correspondence Project gives '29 [?] September 1853' as the date for this letter. See DCP-LETT-4310.
Wallace, A. R. 1863. On the Geographical Distribution of Animal Life. The Reader 2. London: W. Stevens. 352-353.

Published letter (WCP1856.5939)

[1] [p. 151]

Malvern Wells. Tuesday, March, 1864.

My dear Mr. Wallace,— Your kindness is neverfailing. I got worse and worse at home and was sick every day for two months; so came here, when I suddenly broke down and could do nothing; but I hope I am now very slowly recovering, but am very weak.

Sincere thanks about Melastoma: these flowers have baffled me, and I have caused several friends much useless labour; though, Heaven knows, I have thrown away time enough on them myself.

The gorse case is very valuable, and I will quote it, as I presume I may.

I was very glad to see in the Reader that you have been [2] giving a grand paper (as I infer from remarks in discussion) on Geographical Distribution.

I am very Weak, so will say no more.— Yours very sincerely, C. DARWIN.

Please cite as “WCP1856,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 27 July 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP1856