Kent. S.E.
Jan 29 [1865]1
My dear Wallace
I must ease my mind by saying how much I admire the two papers you have sent me.2 That on parrots3 contained most new matter to me, & interested me extremely; That in the Geograph[ical]. Journal4 strikes me as an epitome of the whole theory of Geograph[ical]. distribution [2] the comparison of Borneo & New Guinea,— the relation of the volcanic outbursts & the required subsidence,— & the comparison of the supposed conversion of the Atlantic into a great archipelago seemed to me the 3 best hits. They are both indeed excellent papers.—
Believe me | yours very sincerely | Charles Darwin [signature]
[3] Do try what hard work will do to banish painful thoughts.5
P.S. During one of the later French Voyages, a wild pig was killed & brought from the Aru Islands to Paris. Am I not right in inferring that this must have [4] been introduced & run wild. If you have a clear opinion on this head, may I quote you?
Status: Edited (but not proofed) transcription [Letter (WCP1861.1751)]
For more information about the transcriptions and metadata, see
[1] [p. 160]
Down, Bromley, Kent, S.E. January 29, 1865.
My dear Wallace,— I must ease my mind by saying how much I admire the two papers you have sent me.
That on parrots1 contained most new matter to me, and interested me extremely; that in the Geographical Journal2 strikes me as an epitome of the whole theory of geographical distribution: the comparison of Borneo and New Guinea, the relation of the volcanic outbursts and the required subsidence, and the comparison of the supposed conversion of the Atlantic into a great archipelago, seemed to me the three best hits. They are both indeed excellent papers. — Believe me yours very sincerely, CHARLES DARWIN
Do try what hard work will do to banish painful thoughts.3
P.S.— During one of the later French voyages, a wild pig was killed and brought from the Aru Islands to Paris. Am I not right in inferring that this must have been introduced and run wild? If you have a clear opinion on this head, may I quote you?
Status: Draft transcription [Published letter (WCP1861.5944)]
For more information about the transcriptions and metadata, see
Please cite as “WCP1861,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 7 February 2025,