
Letter (WCP1873.4062)


9, St. Marks Crescent, Regent’s Park, N.W.

Nov[embe]r. 19th. 1866

Dear Darwin

Many thanks for the 4th. Ed. of the "Origin",1 which I am glad to see grows so vigorously at each moult, although it undergoes no metamorphosis. How curious it is that Dr. Wells2 should so clearly have seen the principle of Nat[ural]. Select[io]n. 50 years ago and that it should have struck no one that it was a great principle of universal application [2] in Nature!

We are going to have a discussion on "Mimicry, as producing abnormal sexual characters" at the Entomological tonight.3 I have a butterfly (a Diadema) of which the female is metallic blue, the male dusky brown contrary to the rule in all other species of the genus, & in almost all insects;— but the explanation is easy;— it mimics a metallic blue Euploea, and so gets a protection perhaps more efficient than its allies derive from their [3] sombre colours, which females require much more than males. I read a paper4 on this at the B[ritish]. Ass[ociatio]n.5 Have you the report published at Nottingham in a volume by Dr. Robertson,6 if so you can tell me if my paper is printed at full?

I suppose you have read Agassiz’7 marvellous theory of the,— Gt. Amazonian Glacier! 2000 miles long!!!8 I presume that will be a little too much even for you. I have been writing a little popular paper on "Glacial Theories" for the Quarterly Journ[al]. of Science of Jan. next in which I stick up for Glaciers in N. America and Ice bergs in the Amazon!9

[4] I was very glad to hear from Lubbock10 that your health is permanently improved. I hope therefore you will be able to give us a volume per. annum of your "op[us]. mag[num].",11 with all the facts as you now have them, leaving additions to come in new editions.

I am working a little at another family of my butterflies & find the usual interesting & puzzling cases of variation, but no such strange phenomena as in the Papilionidae.

With best wishes | Believe me | My dear Darwin | Yours very faithfully | Alfred R. Wallace [signature]

C. Darwin Esq.

Darwin, C. R. 1866. On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life, 4th edition. London, John Murray.
Wells, William Charles (1757-1817). Scottish-American physician and early proponent of natural selection as a mechanism of transmutation.
ARW refers to the Entomological Society of London. An account of the proceedings was published on 19 November 1886 (see Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 3rd. series. 5 (1865-7): xxxvi-xl).
Wallace, A. R. 1866. On Reversed Sexual Characters in a Butterfly. The British Association for the Advancement of Science: Nottingham Meeting, August, 1866; Report of the Papers, Discussions, and General Proceedings. Nottingham, UK: Thomas Forman. 86-187.
The British Association for the Advancement of Science was a learned society and charity founded in 1831 to promote the development of science. The provision of funds provided to individual researchers was a key role of the activities of the association from its inception until the early 1940s. The association played a significant role in the debate on evolutionary theory. (James, F. A. J. L. 2000. British Association for the Advancement of Science. Reader's Guide to the History of Science. New York: Routledge, pp.106-107.)
Robertson, William Tindal (1825-1889). British physician and member of Parliament in Brighton 1886-89.
Agassiz, Jean Louis Rodolphe ("Louis") (1807-1873). Swiss-American naturalist.
Aggassiz, J. L. R. 1866. Physical History of the Valley of the Amazons. Atlantic Monthly. Vol. 18, 106, 159-169.
See Wallace, A. R. 1867. Ice Marks in North Wales (With a Sketch of Glacial Theories and Controversies. Quarterly Journal of Science. 33-47.
Lubbock, John (1834-1913). British banker and polymath.
Latin term for 'great work'. ARW refers to Darwin's projected three-part work on variation in domestic and wild species and the principle of natural selection.

Transcription (WCP1873.1763)


To C.Darwin.) 9, St.Mark's Crescent, Regent’s Park, N.W.

Nov'r. 19th. 1866

Dear Darwin Many thanks for the 4th.Ed. Of the "Origin", which I am glad to see grows as vigorously at each moult, although it undergoes no metamorphosis. How curious it is that Dr Wells1 should so clearly have seen the principle of Nat. Selection 50 years ago and that it should have struck no one that it was a great principle of universal application in Nature!

We are going to have a a discussion on "Mimicry, as producing abnormal sexual characters" at the Entomological to night. I have a butterfly (Diadena) of which the female is metallic blue, the male dusky brown contrary to the rule in all other species of the genus, & in almost all inserts; — but the explanation is easy; — it mimics a metallic Euploea, and so gets a protection perhaps more efficient than its allies derive from their sombre colours, & which females require much more than males. I read a paper on this at the B.Ass'n. Have you the report published at Nottingham in a volume of Dr. Robertson, if so you can tell me if my paper is printed in full?

I suppose you have read Agassiz' marvellous theory of the "Gt. Amazonian Glacier! 2000 miles long!!! I presume that will be a little too much even for you. I have been writing a little popular paper on "Glacial Theories" for the Quarterly Journal of Science of Jan. next in which I stick up for Glaciers in N. America and Ice bergs in the Amazon!

I was very glad to hear from Lubbock that your health is per[m]anently improved. I hope therefore you will be able to give us a volume per. annum of your "op. mag." with all the facts as you now have them, leaving additions to come in new editions.

I am working a little at another family of my butterflies & find the usual interesting & puzzling cases of variation, but no such phenomena as in the Papilionidae.

With best wishes Believe me My dear Darwin | Yours very faithfully Alfred R. Wallace

Wells, William Charles (1757-1817). British-American physician and medical writer. Credited by Darwin as the first to explicitly recognise Natural Selection. See Wells W.C. 1818. Two essays: upon a single vision with two eyes, the other on dew. Constable, London.

Transcription (WCP1873.4522)


To C. Darwin.) 9, St. Mark’s Crescent, Regent’s Park, N.W.

Nov’r. 19th.1866

Dear Darwin

Many thanks for the 4th. Ed[ition] of the "Origin", which I am glad to see grows so vigorously at each moult, although it undergoes no metamorphosis. How curious it is that Dr. Wells should so clearly have seen the principle of Nat[ural] Selection 50 years ago and that it should have struck no one that it was a great principle of universal application in Nature!

We are going to have a discussion on "Mimicry, as producing abnormal sexual characters" at the Entomological to night. I have a butterfly (Diadema) of which the female is metallic blue, and the male dusky brown contrary to the rule in all other species of the genus, & in almost all insects; — but the explanation is easy, — it mimics a metallic Euploea, and so gets a protection perhaps more efficient than its allies derive from their sombre colours, & which females require much more than males. I read a paper on on this at the B[ritish] Ass[ociatio]n1. Have you the report published at Nottingham in a volume by Dr. Robertson, if so you can tell me if my paper is printed in full?

I suppose you have read Agassiz2’ marvellous theory of the, Great Gt. Amazonian Glacier! 2000 miles long!!! I presume that will be a little too much even for you. I have been writing a little popular paper on "Glacial Theories" for the Quarterly Journal of Science of Jan[uary] next in which I stick up for Glaciers in N[orth] America and ice bergs in the Amazon!

I was very glad to hear from Lubbock that your health is permanently improved. I hope therefore you will be able to give us a volume per. annum of your "op[us] mag[num]" with all the facts as you now have time, leaving additions to come in new editions.

I am working a little at another family of my butterflies & find the usual interesting & puzzling cases of variation, bot no such phenomena as in the Papilionidae.

With best wishes | Believe me | My dear Darwin | Yours very faithfully | Alfred R. Wallace [signature]

British association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) founded in 1831.
Louis Agassiz (1807-1873)

Published letter (WCP1873.5955)


9 St. Mark's Crescent, Regent's Park, N.W. Nov. 19, 1866.

Dear Darwin, — Many thanks for the fourth edition of the "Origin," which I am glad to see grows so vigorously at each moult, although it undergoes no metamorphosis. How curious it is that Dr. Wells should so clearly have seen the principle of Natural Selection fifty years ago, and that it should have struck no one that it was a great principle of universal application in nature!

We are going to have a discussion on "Mimicry, as producing Abnormal Sexual Characters," at the Entomological to-night. I have a butterfly (Diadema) of which the female is metallic blue, the male dusky brown, contrary to the rule in all other species of the genus, and in almost all insects; but the explanation is easy — it mimics a metallic Euploea, and so gets a protection perhaps more efficient than its allies derive from their sombre colours, and which females require much more than males. I read a paper on this at the British Association. Have you the report published at Nottingham in a volume by Dr. Robertson? If so, you can tell me if my paper is printed in full.

I suppose you have read Agassiz's marvellous theory of the Great Amazonian glacier, 2,000 miles long! I presume that will be a little too much, even for you. I have been writing a little popular paper on "Glacial Theories" for the Quarterly Journal of Science of January next, in which I stick up for glaciers in North America and icebergs in the Amazon!

I was very glad to hear from Lubbock that your health is permanently improved. I hope therefore you will be [2] [p. 177] able to give us a volume per annum of your magnum opus, with all the facts as you now have them, leaving additions to come in new editions.

I am working a little at another family of my butterflies, and find the usual interesting and puzzling eases of variation, but no such phenomena as in the Papilionidae. — With best wishes, believe me, my dear Darwin, yours very faithfully, ALFRED R. WALLACE.

Please cite as “WCP1873,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 11 October 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP1873