
Letter (WCP1903.1793)


Freshwater — Isle of Wight

Aug. 19th [1868]1

My dear Wallace

Thanks for your note. I did sometimes think of going to Norwich,2 for I sh[oul]d. have very much liked it, but it has been quite out of the question. We have been here for 5 weeks for a change, & it has done me some little good; but I have been forced to live the life of a drone, & for a month before leaving home, I was unable to do anything & [2] had to stop all work. We return to Down tomorrow.

Hooker3 has been here for 2 or 3 days, so that I have had much talk about his Address. I am glad that you will be there.

It is real good news that your Book4 is so advanced that you are negotiating about its publication. —

With respect to dimorphic [3] plants: it is a great puzzle, but I fancy I partially see my way — too long for a letter & too speculative for publication. The groundwork of the acquirement of such peculiar fertility (for what you say about any other distinct individual being, as it would appear, sufficient, is very true) rests on the stamens & pistils having varied first length in relative length, as actually occurs, [4] irrespectively of dimorphism, & the peculiar kind of fertility characteristic of dimorphic & trimorphic plants having been secondarily acquired.

Pangenesis makes very few converts: G. H. Lewes5 is one. —

I had become, before my nine weeks horrid interruption of all work, extremely interested in sexual selection & was [5] making fair progress. In truth it has vexed me much to find that the further I get on, the more I differ from you about the females being dull-coloured for protection. I can now hardly express myself as strongly even as in the Origin.6 This has much decreased the pleasure of my work. —

[6] In the course of September, if I can get at all stronger, I hope to get Mr J. Jenner Weir7 (who has been wonderfully kind in giving me information) to pay me a visit, & I will then write for the chance of your being able to come & I hope bring with you Mrs. Wallace. If I [7] could get several of you together, it w[oul]d. be less dull for you for of late I have found it impossible to talk with any human being for more than half-an-hour, except on extraordinary good days. —

Believe me | My dear Wallace | Ever yours sincerely | Ch. Darwin [signature]

"[1868] — F[?]D" is written below the address in another hand. The Darwins stayed at Freshwater on the Isle of Wight from 17 July to 20 August 1868 (Emma Darwin's diary (DAR 242): Darwin Correspondence Project. Letter no. 6322. <http://www.darwinproject.ac.uk/DCP-LETT-6322> [accessed 16 May 2019].
The 1868 meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, of which Joseph Hooker was President, was held in Norwich 19-16 Aug. See WCP1902.4074, ARW to Darwin 16 Aug. [1868], to which this letter is a reply.
Hooker, Joseph Dalton (1817-1911). British botanist and explorer.
Wallace, A. R. 1869. The Malay Archipelago; The Land of the Orang-utan and the Bird of Paradise; A Narrative of Travel with Studies of Man and Nature. 2 vols. London: Macmillan & Co.
Lewes, George Henry (1817-1878). British literary critic and philosopher.
Darwin, C. R. 1866. On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. London: John Murray. 4th edition.
Weir, John Jenner (1822-1894). British amateur entomologist, ornithologist and civil servant.

Published letter (WCP1903.5990)

[1] [p. 219]

Freshwater, Isle of Wight. August 19, 1868.

My dear Wallace, — Thanks for your note. I did sometimes think of going to Norwich, for I should have very much liked it, but it has been quite out of the question. We have been here for five weeks for a change, and it has done me some little good; but I have been forced to live the life of a drone, and for a month before leaving home I was unable to do anything and had to stop all work.

We return to Down to-morrow.

Hooker has been here for two or three days, so that I [2] [p. 220] have had much talk about his Address. I am glad that you will be there.

It is real good news that your book is so advanced that you are negotiating about its publication.

With respect to dimorphic plants: it is a great puzzle, but I fancy I partially see my way — too long for a letter and too speculative for publication. The groundwork of the acquirement of such peculiar fertility (for what you say about any other distinct individual being, as it would appear, sufficient, is very true) rests on the stamens and pistil having varied first in relative length, as actually occurs irrespective of dimorphism, and the peculiar kind of fertility characteristic of dimorphic and the trimorphic plants having been secondarily acquired. Pangenesis makes very few converts: G. H. Lewes is one.

I had become, before my nine weeks' horrid interruption of all work, extremely interested in sexual selection and was making fair progress. In truth, it has vexed me much to find that the further I get on, the more I differ from you about the females being dull coloured for protection. I can now hardly express myself as strongly even as in the "Origin." This has much decreased the pleasure of my work.

In the course of September, if I can get at all stronger, I hope to get Mr. J. Jenner Weir (who has been wonderfully kind in giving me information) to pay me a visit, and I will then write for the chance of your being able to come and, I hope, bring with you Mrs. Wallace. If I could get several of you together, it would be less dull for you, for of late I have found it impossible to talk with any human being for more than half an hour, except on extraordinarily good days. — Believe me, my dear Wallace, ever yours sincerely, CH. DARWIN.

Please cite as “WCP1903,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 13 December 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP1903