
Letter (WCP1912.4078)


9, St Mark's Crescent NW.

Jany. 20th. 1869

Dear Darwin

It will give me very great pleasure if you will allow me to dedicate my little book of Malayan Travels to you,2 although it will be far too small and unpretending a work to be worthy of that honour. Still, I have done what I can to make it a vehicle for communicating a taste for the higher branches of Natural History, and I know that you will judge it only too favourably.

We are in the middle of the [2] 2nd. Vol. and if the printers will get on, shall be out next month.

Have you seen in the last number of the "Quarterly Journal of Science", the excellent remarks on Fraser's article on Nat[ural]. Selection failing as to Man?3 In one page it gets to the heart of the question4 & I have written to the Editor to ask who the Author is.5

My friend Spruce's6 paper on Palms is to be read tomorrow evening at the "Linnean".7 He tells me it contains a discovery [3] which he calls "attenuation of function". He found a clump of Geonema [Geonoma]8 all of which were females, and the next year the same clump were all males! He has found other facts analogous to this, & I have no doubt the subject is one that will interest you.

Hoping you are pretty well, and are getting on steadily with your next volumes,9 — and with kind regards to Mrs. Darwin10 and all your circle,

Believe me| Dear Darwin| Yours very faithfully| Alfred R. Wallace [signature]

[4] P.S. Have you seen the admirable article in "The Guardian"! on Lyell’s Principles?11 It is most excellent & liberal. It is written by Revd. Geo[rge]. Buckle,12 of Twerton Vicarage, Bath, who I met at Norwich and found a thoroughly scientific & liberal parson. Perhaps you have heard that I have undertaken to write an article for the Quarterly, on the same subject, to make up for that in "Modern Geology" last year13 not mentioning Sir C[harles] Lyell.14 Really what with the Tories passing radical reform bills & the Church periodicals advocating Darwinianism, the millennium must be at hand. A.R.W. [signature]

The number 73 is written in an unknown hand on the top right corner of page [[1]], and 74 in the same hand and position on page [[3]]. Pages [[2]] and [[4]] are unnumbered. 29, encircled, possibly a letter number, possibly in the same hand, is written on the top left of page [[1]].
Wallace, A.R. 1869. The Malay Archipelago: The Land of the Orang-utan and the Bird of Paradise. A Narrative of Travel, with Studies of Man and Nature. 1st ed. 2 vols. London: Macmillan and Co.
Anon. 1868. On the Failure of 'Natural Selection' in the case of Man. Fraser's Magazine for Town and Country, 78: 353-362. The author was later identified as William Rathbone Greg (1809-1881. British essayist; member of the Metaphysical Society): see Darwin Correspondence Project, Letter no. 6561, note 3. <http://www.darwinproject.ac.uk/DCP-LETT-6561>. [accessed 22 June 2019].
Anon.1869. The alleged Failure of Natural Selection in the case of Man. [Zoology — Animal morphology and physiology. Notices of works recently published.] The Quarterly Journal of Science. 6 (21): 152-153.
Samuelson, James (1829-1919). British. Editor of the Quarterly Journal of Science. The author of the article (see note 4) has not been identified.
Spruce, Richard (1817-1893). British botanist, explorer and collector in the Amazon; lifelong friend of ARW.
Spruce, Richard. 1871. Palmae Amazonicae, sive enumertio Palmarum in itinere suo per regiones Americae aequitoriales lectarum. (Read 21 Jan.1869). Journal of the Linnean Society. 11: 65-185.
A genus of palms native to Central and South America.
Darwin, Charles. 1871. The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex. 2 vols. London: John Murray.
Darwin, Emma (née Wedgwood) (1808-1896). Wife and first cousin of Charles Darwin.
George Buckle's unsigned review of the tenth edition of Charles Lyell's Principles of Geology appeared in The Guardian, (a weekly Anglican Church newspaper published from 1846 until 1951) 30 December 1868, pp.1463-1464. [Darwin Correspondence Project, Letter no. 6561, note 8. <http://www.darwinproject.ac.uk/DCP-LETT-6561> [accessed 28 June 2019].
Buckle, George (1820-1900) British cleric.
Anon. [Wallace, A. R.] 1869. Geological climates and the origin of species. [Review of Charles Lyell's Principles of Geology, 10th edition, and Elements of Geology, 6th edition.] The Quarterly Review 126: 359-394, in response to Anon. [Geikie, Archibald], 1868. Sir Roderick Murchison and modern schools of geology. The Quarterly Review, 125: 188-217.
Lyell, Charles (1797-1875). British lawyer and geologist.

Transcription (WCP1912.1802)


To C.Darwin.) 9,St.Mark's Crescent N.W. Jan'y 20th. 1869

Dear Darwin It will give me very great pleasure if you will allow me to dedicate my little book of Malayan Travels to you, although it will be far too small and unpretending a work to be worthy of the honour. Still, I have done what I can to make it a vehicle for communicating a taste for the higher branches of Natural History, and I know that you will judge it only too favourably. We are in the middle of the 2nd. Vol. and if the printers will get on, shall be out next month.

Have you seen in the last Number of the "Quarterly Journal of Science", the excellent remarks on Fraser's article on Nat. Section failing as to Man? In one page it gets to the heart of the question & I have written to the Editor to ask who the Author is.

My friend Spruce's paper on Palms is to be read tomorrow evening at the "Linnaean". He tells me it contains a discovery which he calls "alteration of function". He found a clump of Geonema all of which were females, and the next year the same clump were all males! He has found other facts analogous to this, & I have no doubt the subject is one that will interest you.

Hoping you are pretty well, and are getting on steadily with your next volumes,— and with kind regards to Mrs Darwin and all your circle, Believe me Dear Darwin Yours very faithfully | Alfred R. Wallace.

P.S. Have you seen the admirable article in "The Guardian"! on Lyell's Principles? It is most excellent & liberal. It is written by Rev'd Geo. Buckle, of Tiverton Vicarage, Bath, who I met at Norwich and found a thoroughly scientific & liberal parson. Perhaps you have heard that I have undertaken to write an article for the Quarterly! on the same subject, to make up for that on "Modern Geology" last year not mentioning Sir C. Lyell. Really what with the Tories passing radical reform bills & the Church periodicals advocating Darwinianism, the Millenium must be at hand. A.R.W.

Page number (1) is typed in the top centre of the page, and crossed out with pencil.

Transcription (WCP1912.4505)


To C.Darwin.) 9,St.Mark’s Crescent N.W. Jan’y 20th.1869

Dear Darwin

It will give me very great pleasure if you will allow me to dedicate my little book of Malayan Travels to you, although it will be far too small and unpretending a work to be worthy of that honour. Still, I have done what I can to make it a vehicle for communicating a taste for the higher branches of Natural History, and I know that you will judge it only too favourably.

We are in the middle of the 2nd. Vol. and if the printers will get on, shall be out next month.

Have you seen in the last Number of the "Quarterly Journal of Science", the excellent remarks on Fraser’s article on Nat. Selection failing as to Man1? In one page it gets to the heart of the questions & I have written to the Editor to

ask who the Author is.

My friend Spruce’s paper on Palms is to be read tomorrow evening at the"Linnaean". He tells me it contains a discovery which he c calls "alteration of function". He found a clump of Geonema[?] all of which were females, and the next year the same clump were all males ! He has found other facts analagous[sic] to this, & I have no doubt the subject is one that will interest you.

Hoping you are pretty well, and are getting on steadily with your next volumes,- and with kind regards to Mrs Darwin and all your circle, | Believe me | Dear Darwin | Yours very faithfully | Alfred R. Wallace. [signature]

P.S. Have you seen the admirable article in "The Guardian"! on Lyell’s Principles? It is most excellent & liberal. It is written by Rev’d Geo. Buckle, of Tiverton Vicarage, Bath, who I met at Norwich and found a thoroughly scientific & liberal parson. Perhaps you have heard that I have undertaken to write an article for the Quarterly : on the same subject, to make up for that on "Modern Geology" last year not mentioning Sir C.Lyell. Really what with the Tories passing radical reform bills & the Church periodicals advocating Darwinianism, the Millenium[sic] must be at hand. A.R.W. [signature]

William R. Greg, "On the failure of ‘Natural Selection’ in the case of Man", Fraser’s Magazine, Sept. 1868, p. 353-362

Published letter (WCP1912.5999)

[1] [p. 232]

9 St. Mark's Crescent, N.W. January 20, 1869.

Dear Darwin, — It will give me very great pleasure if you will allow me to dedicate my little book of Malayan Travels to you, although it will be far too small and unpretending a work to be worthy of that honour. Still, I have done what I can to make it a vehicle for communicating a taste for the higher branches of Natural History, and I know that you will judge it only too favourably. We are in the middle of the second volume, and if the printers will get on, shall be out next month.

Have you seen in the last number of the Quarterly Journal of Science the excellent remarks on Fraser's article on Natural Selection failing as to Man? In one page it gets to the heart of the question, and I have written to the editor to ask who the author is.

My friend Spruce's paper on Palms is to be read tomorrow evening at the Linnean. He tells me it contains a discovery which he calls "alteration of function." He found a clump of Geonema all of which were females, and the next year the same clump were all males! He has found other facts analogous to this, and I have no doubt the subject is one that will interest you.

Hoping you are pretty well and are getting on steadily with your next volumes, and with kind regards to Mrs. Darwin and all your circle, believe me, dear Darwin, yours very faithfully, ALFRED R. WALLACE.

P.S. — Have you seen the admirable article in the Guardian (!) on Lyell's "Principles"? It is most excellent and liberal. It is written by the Rev. Geo. Buckle, of Tiverton Vicarage, Bath, whom I met at Norwich and found a thoroughly scientific and liberal parson. Perhaps you have heard that I have undertaken to write an article for the Quarterly (!) on the same subject, to make [2] up for that on "Modern Geology" last year not mentioning Sir C. Lyell.

Really, what with the Tories passing Radical Reform Bills and the Church periodicals advocating Darwinianism, the millennium must be at hand. — A. R. W.

Please cite as “WCP1912,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 22 October 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP1912