
Letter (WCP1919.1809)




Kent. S.E.

March 27 [1869]1

My dear Wallace

I must send a line to thank you, but this note will require no answer.— The very morning after writing I found that Elk was used for moose in Sweden, but I had been reading lately about Elk & moose in N. America.—

As you put the case in your letter2, which I think differs somewhat from your book3, I am inclined to agree, & had thought that a feather c[oul]d. hardly be increased in length until [2] it had first grown to full length, & therefore it w[oul]d be increased late in life & transmitted to corresponding age.— But the Crossoptilon pheasant & even common pheasant shows that the tail feathers can be developed very early.

Thanks for other facts, which I will reflect on, when I go again over my M.S.

I read all that you said [3] about the Dutch Government with much interest, but I do not feel I know enough to form any opinion against yours.

I shall be intensely Curious to read the Quarterly4: I hope you have not murdered too completely your own & my child. I have lately i.e. in new Edit[ion], of Origin 5 been moderating my zeal, & attributing much more to mere useless variability.— I did think [4] I w[oul]d send you the sheet, but I daresay you w[oul]d not care to see it, in which I discuss Nägeli[']s essay6 on Nat[ural]. selection, not affecting characters of no functional importance, & which yet are of high classificatory importance. Hooker7 was is pretty well satisfied with what I have said on this head. It will be curious if we have hit on similar conclusions.— You are about the last man in England, who would [5] deviate a hair's breadth from his conviction to please any Editor in the world.—

Yours very sincerely | Ch. Darwin [signature]

P.S. After all I have thought of one question, but if I receive no answer I shall understand that (as is probable) you have8 [6] nothing to say:— I have seen it remarked that the men & women of certain tribes differ a little in shade or tint: but have you ever seen or heard of any difference which in tint between the 2 sexes, which did not appear to follow from a difference in habits of life?—

ARW adds '1869' as a red pencil annotation at the upper centre margin of page 1. The Darwin Correspondence Project have confirmed 1869 as the correct dating for this letter. See DCP-LETT-6684.
See ARW's letter to Darwin on 24 March 1869 (WCP4089.4036).
Wallace, A. R. 1869. The Malay Archipelago; the Land of the Orang-utan and the Bird of Paradise, 2 vols. London, UK: Macmillan.
[Wallace, A.R.]. 1869. Sir Charles Lyell on Geological Climates and the Origin of Species. Quarterly Review 126 (April 1869. 252): 359-394.
Darwin, C. R. 1869. On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life, 5th Ed. London, John Murray.
Nägeli, C. W. 1865. Entstehung und Begriff der Naturhistorischen Art. Munich: Verlag der K. Akad.
Hooker, Joseph Dalton (1817-1911). British botanist and explorer.
'over' is added as a circled pen annotation at the bottom right-hand corner of page 5.

Published letter (WCP1919.6006)

[1] [p. 240]

Down, Bromley, Kent, S.E. March 27, 1869.

My dear Wallace, — I must send a line to thank you, but this note will require no answer. This very morning after writing I found that "elk" was used for "moose" Sweden, but I had been reading lately about elk and moose in North America.

As you put the case in your letter, which I think differs somewhat from your book, I am inclined to agree, and had thought that a feather could hardly be increased in length [2] [p. 241] until it had first grown to full length, and therefore it would be increased late in life and transmitted to a corresponding age. But the, Crossoptilon pheasant, and even the common pheasant, show that the tail feathers can be developed very early.

Thanks for other facts, which I will reflect on when I go again over my MS.

I read all that you said about the Dutch Government with much interest, but I do not feel I know enough to form any opinion against yours.

I shall be intensely curious to read the Quarterly: I hope you have not murdered too completely your own and my child.

I have lately, i.e. in the new edition of the "Origin,"1 been moderating my zeal, and attributing much more to mere useless variability. I did think I would send you the sheet, but I daresay you would not care to see it, in which I discuss Nägeli's essay on Natural Selection not affecting characters of no functional importance, and which yet are of high classificatory importance.

Hooker is pretty well satisfied with what I have said on this head. It will he curious if we have hit on similar conclusions. You are about the last man in England who would deviate a hair's breadth from his conviction to please any editor in the world. — Yours very sincerely, CH. DARWIN.

P.S."After all, I have thought of one question, but if I receive no answer I shall understand that (as is probable) you have nothing to say. I have seen it remarked that the men and women of certain tribes differ a little in shade or tint; but have you ever seen or heard of any difference in tint between the two sexes which did not appear to follow from a difference in habits of life?

A footnote here reads: "The fifth edition, pp. 150-7."

Please cite as “WCP1919,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 11 October 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP1919