Holly House, Barking E.
March 11th. 1871
Dear Darwin
I need not say that I read your second volume with, if possible a greater interest than the first, as so many topics of special interest to me are treated of.1 You will not be surprised to find that you have not convinced me on the "female protection" question, but you will be surprised to heard that I do not despair of convincing you.
I have been writing as you are aware a review for the "Academy",2 which I tried to refuse doing, but the Editor3 used as an argument [2] the statement that you wished me to do so.
It is not an easy job fairly to summarize such a book, but I hope I have succeeded tolerably. When I got to discussion, I felt more at home, and but I most sincerely trust that I may not have let pass any word that may seem to you in the least too strong.
You have not written a word about me that I could wish altered, but as I know you wish me to be candid with you I will mention that you have quoted one passage in a note p.376. vol 2 which seems to me a caricature of anything I have written.4, 5
Now let me ask you to rejoice [3] with me, for I have got my Chalkpit & am hard at work engineering a road up its precipitous slopes. I hope you may be able to come & see me there some day, as it is an easy ride from London, and I shall be anxious to know if it is equal to the pit in the wilds of Kent, Mrs. Darwin6 mentioned when I lunched with you. Should your gardener in the Autumn have any thinnings out of almost any kind of hardy plants they would be welcome,7 as I have four acres of ground [4] in which I want to substitute ornamental plants for weeds.
With best wishes & hoping you may have health & strength to go on with your great work[.]
Believe me Dear Darwin | Yours very faithfully | Alfred R. Wallace [signature]
Charles Darwin F.R.S.
My Review will appear next Wednesday[.]8
Status: Edited (but not proofed) transcription [Letter (WCP1940.4090)]
For more information about the transcriptions and metadata, see https://wallaceletters.myspecies.info/content/epsilon
To C.Darwin.) Holly House, Barking. March 11th.1871
Dear Darwin I need not say that I read your second volume with, if possible a greater interest than the first, as so many topics of special interest to me are treated of. You will not be surprised to find that you have not convinced me on the "female protection" question, but you will be surprised to hear that I do not despair of convincing you. I have been writing as you are aware a review for the "Academy" which I tried to refuse doing, but the Editor used as an argument the statement that you wished me to do so. It is not an easy job fairly to summarize such a book, but I hope I have succeeded tolerably. When I got to discussion, I felt more at home, but I most sincerely trust that I may not have let pass any word that may seem to you in the least too strong.
You have not written a word about me that I could wish altered, but as I know you wish me to be candid with you I will mention that you have quoted one passage in a note p.373.vol.2 which seems to me a caricature of anything I have written.
Now let me ask you to rejoice with me, for I have got my Chalk pit & am hard at work engineering a road up its precipitous slopes. I hope you may be able to come & see me there some day, as it is an easy ride from London, and I shall be anxious to know if it is equal to the pit in the wilds of Kent, Mrs Darwin mentioned when I lunched with you. Should your gardener in the Autumn have any thinnings out of almost any kind of hardy plants they would be welcome, as I have near four acres of ground in which I want to substitute ornamental plants for weeds.
With best wishes, & hoping you may have health & strength to go on with your great work Believe me dear Darwin Yours very faithfully | Alfred R.Wallace.
My Review will appear next Wednesday.
Status: Draft transcription [Transcription (WCP1940.1830)]
For more information about the transcriptions and metadata, see https://wallaceletters.myspecies.info/content/epsilon
To C.Darwin.) Holly House, Barking, E. March 11th. 1871
Dear Darwin
I need not say that I read your second volume1 with, if possible a greater interest than the first, as so many topics of special interest to me are treated of. You will not be surprised to find that you have not convinced me on the "female protection" question, but you will be surprised to hear that I do not despair of convincing you.
I have been writing as you are aware a review for the "Academy" 2 which I tried to refuse doing, but the Editor used as an argument the statement that you wished me to do so. It is not an easy job fairly to summarize such a book, but I hope I have succeeded tolerably. When I got to discussion, I felt more at home, but I most sincerely trust that I may not have let pass any word that may seem to you in the least too strong.
You have not written a word about me that I could wish altered, but as I know you wish me to be candid with you I will mention that you have quoted one passage in a note p.376.vol.2 which seems to me a caricature of anything I have written.
Now let me ask you to rejoice with me, for I have got my Chalk pit & am hard at work engineering a road up its precipitous slopes. I hope you may be able to come & see me there some day, as it is an e easy ride from London, and I shall be anxious to know if it is equal to the pit in the wilds of Kent3, Mrs Darwin mentioned when I lunched with you. Should your gardener in the Autumn have any thinnings out of almost any kind of hardy plants they would be welcome, as I have near four acres of ground in which I want to substitute ornamental plants for weeds.
With best wishes, & hoping you may have health & strength to go on with your great work | Believe me | dear Darwin | Yours very faithfully | 4 Alfred R. Wallace.5 [signature]
My Review will appear next Wednesday.6
Status: Draft transcription [Transcription (WCP1940.4494)]
For more information about the transcriptions and metadata, see https://wallaceletters.myspecies.info/content/epsilon
[1] [p. 259]
Holly House, Barking, E. March, 11, 1871.
Dear Darwin, — I need not say that I read your second volume with, if possible, a greater interest than the first, as so many topics of special interest to me are treated of. You will not be surprised to find that you have not convinced me on the "female protection" question, but you will be surprised to hear that I do not despair of convincing you. I have been writing, as you are aware, a review for the Academy, which I tried to refuse doing, but the Editor used as an argument the statement that you wished me to do so. It is not an easy job fairly to summarise such a book, but I hope I have succeeded tolerably. When I got to discussion, I felt more at home, but I most sincerely trust that I may not have let pass any word that may seem to you in the least too strong.
You have not written a word about me that I could wish altered, but as I know you wish me to be candid with you, I will mention that you have quoted one passage in a note (p. 376, Vol. II.) which seems to me a caricature of anything I have written.
Now let me ask you to rejoice with me, for I have got my chalk pit, and am hard at work engineering a road up its precipitous slopes. I hope you may be able to come and see me there some day, as it is an easy ride from London, and I shall be anxious to know if it is equal to the pit in the wilds of Kent Mrs. Darwin mentioned when I lunched with you. Should your gardener in the autumn have any [2] thinnings out of almost any kind of hardy plants they would be welcome, as I have near four acres of ground in which I want to substitute ornamental plants for weeds.
With best wishes, and hoping you may have health and strength to go on with your great work, believe me, dear Darwin, yours very faithfully, | Alfred R. Wallace
My review will appear next Wednesday.
Status: Draft transcription [Published letter (WCP1940.6025)]
For more information about the transcriptions and metadata, see https://wallaceletters.myspecies.info/content/epsilon
Please cite as “WCP1940,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 11 October 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP1940