
Letter (WCP2637.2527)

[1]1, 2



16 Sept[ember]. 1882

My dear Sir,

How have you managed with the Sellar affair? — I made some slight alteration, so as to avoid all possible ambiguity; and come what will a second edition. But of course3 [2] course what they want is to falsify history; and that I will not do. Be so kind as let me know what your disciple has done.

I hope you received my volumes of Clearance Pamphlets which I requested not Dr Milittle[?] to send to you. When you are done with them, be so good as return them to my address

No. 9. Douglas Crescent


I shall [3]4 I shall be here till 1st October.

Sincerely yours | John S. Blackie[signature]


R Blackey is written in the upper left hand corner.
50 is written in the upper right hand corner.
46640. is written vertically along the edge of the lower left hand corner.
51 is written in the upper right hand corner.
R. H. Blackie written by hand alongside a British Museum stamp on blank page.

Please cite as “WCP2637,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 1 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP2637